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Posts posted by TheRFMan

  1. I am having an issue related to a problem that was reported using a previous version of the Docker template, to which no clear resolution seems to have been outlined in this thread.  I was wondering if perhaps this had been solved, or perhaps would help solve this once and for all.


    I can install Pi-Hole without issues on my unRAID system.  I'm running 6.4rc15, and have assigned a dedicated IP to the docker.  I can pink the IP, and I can access the WebUI (although it is not very responsive).  DNS queries of any computers or devices pointed to the Pi-Hole are not getting through.  They are not logged on the Pi-Hole, and the DNS query never gets resolved on the device, obviously.


    What seems out of place to me however is that the load stats reported in the Pi-Hole WebUI is typically around 12.xx, 12.xx, 12.xx .  I'm running on a Ryzen 1700x 8-core 16-thread CPU, so those numbers would not be out of place under heavy server load, but there is nothing of consequence happening on the server at this point (except a file transfer), and the unRAID UI should server load at about 5% max. Other Dockers include Sonarr, sabNZBD and Plex, and all are running fine.


    Is there an issue between PiHole and unRAID on Ryzen?  I was hoping to get this to work since it would make sense to run this on the unRAID server, but I'm a bit at a loss at this point.  I may have to go back to running I on the Pi if this isn't solvable.




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