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Posts posted by Cirdan

  1. I'm trying to mount one of my shares in an Ubuntu 18.04 server VM. Unfortunately, adding it via fstab causes my system to go into emergency mode on each boot. My share (/mnt/user/hemlock) has been added to the VM with tag 'hemlock'.


    Running 'sudo mount -a' works correctly and shows no errors, and 'sudo mount -t 9p hemlock /home/<user>/hemlock' also works. However on boot up I consistently see this:



    Pressing Control-D and continuing seems to work anyway, but having that prompt is still an issue on a server. I cannot find anything related to mounting in 'journalctl -xb', but perhaps I am looking for the wrong thing. Here is my fstab entry:

    hemlock	/home/<user>/hemlock	9p	trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,nobootwait,rw,_netdev	0 0

    Thank you for any help, and please let me know if you need any other information.

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