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Posts posted by johntinic

  1. On 21-12-2017 at 9:26 PM, jonathanm said:

    Don't do that. Only place ONE ovpn file in that folder.

    The first one it finds.



    Ok.. for the ones who want to randomize the their VPN connection:





    NOW=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
    file=`ls /volume1/docker/sabnzbdvpn/ovpn/*.ovpn|sort -R|shuf -n 1`
    rm -rf /volume1/docker/sabnzbdvpn/config/openvpn/*.ovpn
    cp $file /volume1/docker/sabnzbdvpn/config/openvpn/
    echo $NOW " - Cycling sabnzbdVPN to" $file >> /volume1/logging/vpn/vpn.log 
    docker restart --time 10 $container

    - this will pick randomized .ovpn file form the directory  /volume1/docker/sabnzbdvpn/ovpn/

    - Have all you *.ovpn at /volume1/docker/sabnzbdvpn/ovpn/

    - make sure the set your docker config to /volume1/docker/sabnzbdvpn/config/openvpn/

    - Name your container at $container




    Then do a Crontab like so:


    0	05	*	*	*	root	if [ "`date +%H`" == "05" ]; then sleep ${RANDOM:1:2}m; fi; /volume1/docker/sabnzbdvpn/scripts/randomizeSabnzbdVPN.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

    This will randomize also the execution of the script by added a random number of minutes starting from 05H00.

    Make sure if you want to change the HOUR, change in both in the hour option of crontab AND in the script in the IF-statement to the same hour.

    This will give you the possibility on a SYNOLOGY to run script immediately on all hour by hand without the random minutes (except ofcourse at 05:00)



  2. I setup this container as COSTUM VPN.

    added the option:  -v /volume1/docker/sabnzbvpn/:/config/openvpn 

    add placed a few .ovpn files in de directory /volume1/docker/sabnzbvpn/


    All works like a dream.


    The question: but what terms is a .ovpn file picked in the directory /volume1/docker/sabnzbvpn/?

    I seems it always the same one with a restart of the container.



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