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Posts posted by AlphaBravo

  1. Long time user, built my original unraid box (version 4.7, upgraded all the way to current on the same USB stick)) 11 years ago and finally upgraded/migrated from that original hardware to new mainboard/cpu/disks last week. All that time, I haven't been using a cache pool as such, I did have a pool named cache, and I have my docker persistent files there in /mnt/cache/.appdata (not sure how that came to pass, but it's been working for me). With the new build, I figured I'd gradually move my dockers over to use the proper appdata share, starting with a new one. Appdata is set to Prefer, but when I add a new docker using the appdata share, it puts everything on the array instead of on cache. Also, when I run the mover manually, I get a syslog message "Mover: cache not enabled".


    Clearly something's wrong with my config, but I'm unable to figure out what. I've attached the diag zip, hope someone will be able to shed some light.



    Some steps I've already tried:

    - Rebooted

    - Unassigned the cache drive from the pool, started then stopped the array, assigned the drive, started the array

    - Set all shares cache option to 'no', removed the cache pool and recreated it, then set the appdata share to 'prefer' again.


    I've also had some weirdness replacing the cache drive (upgraded from a sata ssd to an m.2 nvme). As per the faq, I removed the ssd from the pool and added the nvme, but nothing happened that I could see when I started the array. The stop array button also wasn't disabled (I don't confidently recall if I was seeing any read/write activity on either the old or the new cache drive), so I stopped the array. When I swapped the ssd back in and started the array, it complained about an unreadable filesystem. Had to recover the contents with 'brtfs restore'.


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