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Posts posted by psm321

  1. 33 minutes ago, EDACerton said:

    1. The "core" of Unraid (the main array) isn't open source, and there aren't any "equals" to it in the OSS world (there are things that are similar, but nothing that has the whole feature set to my knowledge).

    That depends on what you consider "core"... The unraid kernel driver (which is what I would call "the main array") is in fact open source.  But I guess shfs is a major component for people too...

    I'm pretty concerned that there's been no answer on the privacy issues...

  2. My servers are currently on 6.7/6.8 and I'm looking to upgrade to latest.  However, some of the changes I've read about concern me, so I want to retain the ability to go back if I cannot adjust to them.  I understand I'd have to back up my configurations and such -- just wanted to double-check that the actual unraid driver on-disk format/superblock isn't going to get upgraded to something the older version can't read.

  3. Also, if you're like me and get the "bright idea" to give your vdisks serial numbers in the XML to distinguish them instead of using different sizes and upsetting your OCD, don't be like me and put spaces in the serial number or you'll waste a few hours figuring out that unraid doesn't like that.  Probably best to avoid other special characters too and just stick with alphanumerics.

  4. Just a quick note in case somebody else gets stuck on this: I was having trouble getting my VM to see the USB stick, which was plugged into a USB3.0 port.  I had to change the emulated controller from the default ehci USB2.0 to be an xhci USB3.0 one (either nec or qemu works, though a quick google seems to show qemu is preferred) to get it to work.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, CHBMB said:


    There's a way to do so, but it's unsupported, so once you do so, you're on your own.


    Scripts in this directory are run at startup


    So you could map like this


    -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/letsencrypt/60-customscript:'/etc/cont.init.d/60-customscript'

    Scripts in that directory are run in numerical/alphabetical order.

    Perfect, thanks!

  6. On 3/22/2018 at 11:40 PM, psm321 said:

    Are there by chance any hooks in the startup of the container to run a custom user script?  I need to patch the certbot rfc2136 plugin with some hacks to get it to work with my DNS provider (I don't understand my hacks well enough to actually submit upstream).  I figure I'll probably need to build my own container layer on top, but wanted to check before going ahead with that.

    I just wanted to bump this once before working on a custom container as I'm coming up on renewal.  Sorry if I missed a reply somewhere, didn't find one in a quick search.

  7. 53 minutes ago, aptalca said:


    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that is hardcoded into the dns plugins. Not sure if the plugins provide any options to be entered into the cfg files.


    The documentation for certbot and the plugins is pretty awful. I had to go through the source code to figure out the wildcard options

    I'm on my phone so I didn't check all of them, but at least some of the plugins have an individual option for it.  The one I used has it and so does the nsone one.






    err, command-line options, not config file options afaict.  That would be too convenient :)

  8. 1 hour ago, fivestones said:

    I read something above about a problem with letsencrypt and some other newer TLD. I'm using "im" TLD. Maybe this is part of the problem? But it works find if I'm doing it with specific domains/subdomains, and only fails with wildcard.


    I exec'd into the docker and had a look at /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log. It's pretty long and I'm not sure what I'm looking for to diagnose this. I see at the end where it lists the same incorrect TXT record being found when it does the acme-challenge. Maybe there is something in this file that would be helpful to help figure out why this is failing?

    I would personally suggest trying a longer propogate delay.  I was having similar issues with 30 seconds.  Unfortunately AFAIK there's not a container variable for this -- I ended up editing something inside the container.

  9. 4 hours ago, kaiguy said:

    Thanks for this!


    The only reference to port 443 I could find was:


    tcp6    0   0 :::443          :::*         LISTEN      5814/docker-proxy

    Which I believe would be the LE container. Not sure why it won't let me start the container with 443... especially since it's been working fine for months.


    Perhaps it's running and unRAID lost track of it?  (not sure if that's possible, I'm new to all this).


    docker ps | grep ""

    should tell you what container is using it

  10. 8 hours ago, kaiguy said:

    I'm suddenly running into a problem where it appears LetsEncrypt container won't load because 443 is already in use. But I don't even have SSL enabled on my server, and prior to disabling, I sent the HTTPS port to 444. No changes to my server config, but I did have an unclean shutdown and am having a parity check (but that really shouldn't have any effect).


    /usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint letsencrypt (7c3343119f45bcf4276a0xxxxxxxxxf6791f5be978ae5): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.


    I can't figure this one out! Any thoughts? THANKS!

    netstat -nptl

    (I believe it's in nerd tools) should show you what's listening on that port

  11. Are there by chance any hooks in the startup of the container to run a custom user script?  I need to patch the certbot rfc2136 plugin with some hacks to get it to work with my DNS provider (I don't understand my hacks well enough to actually submit upstream).  I figure I'll probably need to build my own container layer on top, but wanted to check before going ahead with that.

  12. 58 minutes ago, smdion said:

    Check again in the optional settings: 




    If its not in your template, you can manually add variables in unRAID.

    I had in fact added STAGING myself after reading the dockerhub docs (it wasn't in the template, including under additional settings).  I was reporting that that variable no longer works since --server was added to the certbot commandline inside the container a few days ago to support ACMEv2, as --staging (which STAGING sets) does not work with --server

  13. Not sure if this is on-topic here since STAGING isn't exposed in the unraid template, but the --staging and --server parameters to certbot don't seem to work together (even when I manually edit the server URL to be the staging v2 one).  I'm working around this by removing $STGNG from the certbot line in 50-config and setting the --server URL to staging v2


    --server value conflicts with --staging


  14. Thank you for this!


    Could you please consider removing these lines from nginx/site-confs/default?

      error_page 403 /core/templates/403.php;
      error_page 404 /core/templates/404.php;

    These cause user creation with a weak password to fail silently (the button appears to do nothing) instead of showing an error.








  15. I tried going through about 4 pages of search results but found nothing :(


    I need to get a USB3 card to transfer from external drives to my planned unRAID.  I don't care very much about VM passthrough ability (though it would be nice), and I know I shouldn't boot off of it -- need it mostly for the data transfer.  WIll pretty much any chipset work these days or are there specific recommendations?  About the only thing I found in my searches was this thread about a bunch of issues with one particular card.



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