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Posts posted by brunnels

  1. 9 hours ago, dmacias said:

    I could install subprocess32 and setuptools and package everything else into one package (which I don't necessarily like) or just create 21 different ones.

    Found slackbuilds for most of those:

    pbr six enum34 pycparser cffi idna ipaddress cryptography

    PyYAML pyperclip pyparsing wcwidth stevedore PrettyTable

    unicodecsv pyzmq


    Didn't see them for these:

    asn1crypto pyghmi contextlib2 cmd2 cliff


    python-six and python-idna are actually in official repos.

  2. 20 hours ago, dmacias said:

    I worked on this a bit. It'll take a bit more time to figure out which other packages will be needed to just run it. Most likely it will require all the packages from the requirements.txt but some of those also require other packages too. On my dev system pip installed 20+ packages but all those may not be needed to run it.

    I was thinking on this more last night and since a lot of small python packages get installed by pip could you just run the pip install during the plugin install script?  It's pretty fast so I don't think it would be a problem.


    Another alternative which would probably be useful for a lot of people or other plugins would be a new plugin for "persistent pip" that essentially restores the state of /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ from the flash drive on boot.

  3. 12 hours ago, dmacias said:

    I worked on this a bit. It'll take a bit more time to figure out which other packages will be needed to just run it. Most likely it will require all the packages from the requirements.txt but some of those also require other packages too. On my dev system pip installed 20+ packages but all those may not be needed to run it.

    I installed a bunch of build packages I download from slackware64-current repo and ran the slackbuild for subprocess32 I linked before.

    Then I installed that package, libvirt-python (from slackware64-current), and python-setuptools (from slackware64-current).

    Finally I ran `pip install virtualbmc`


    None of the build packages were needed for the install detailed in the log file. 

    I did a reboot to make sure they were all gone before doing it.


    I attached the log and list of packages I installed to make the slackbuild.  Also my subprocess package in case it helps.




  4. On 12/28/2018 at 12:24 PM, dmacias said:

    I'll see about creating a slackware package and adding it to the plugin


    Explain to me a little more how it works

    Basically it lets you use ipmitool to control VM's over the network

    • Power the virtual machine on, off, graceful off, NMI, and reset
    • Check the power status
    • Set the boot device
    • Get the current boot device

    Very useful for automation tools that already support ipmi for these tasks for baremetal servers.


    Here's an example of how it's configured and used.  https://x-vps.com/blog/?p=16


  5. I've been working with ipmi and vm's recently and I think VirtualBMC would be a great addition to this plugin.  You already have libvirt-python and the only other requirement to get it installed via pip is subprocess32 (if using python 2) which I had no problem building once I installed the build dependencies in unraid from slackware64-current repo.  Pip will build it fine but the slackbuild is more convenient.


    Would you consider adding it?  I would be happy to help or collaborate.

  6. This is doable if you add a host route to the container and also to unraid.  Here's my setup:

    • container IP is
    • unraid IP is
    • router IP is
    • container name is smb4ad

    Unraid part is easy, I just go to the network settings and add a route:

    IP: Gateway: metric: 1

    Next I create a script:


    containing the following:

    pid=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' smb4ad)
    mkdir -p /var/run/netns
    ln -s /proc/${pid}/ns/net /var/run/netns/${pid}
    ip netns exec ${pid} ip -4 route add via
    rm -rf /var/run/netns

    Then I edit /boot/config/go and add the following to the end:

    docker events --filter "container=smb4ad" | awk '/container start/ { system("/boot/config/smb4ad_route.sh") }' &

    Finally, because I don't want to reboot unraid, I run the same command but use nohup to detach it from the terminal:

    nohup docker events --filter "container=smb4ad" | awk '/container start/ { system("/boot/config/smb4ad_route.sh") }' &


    What the command is doing is monitoring docker start events for my container and running the script to add the route to the container. 


    The same result could also be accomplished by adding "--cap-add NET_ADMIN" to the container options and running a startup script in the container to add the route but that gives your container special permissions that aren't really desirable.


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