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  1. I just reinstalled the plugin and 6.7.2, 6.8.0, ... are now showing up in the dropdown menu. Should've done this earlier. Thanks for the help
  2. Thats strange. I'm working with a fresh unRaid Install (a week old) and the Plugin shows up as "up-to-date" too.
  3. Hi, first of all, thanks for this awesome plugin! Is there an ETA when you'll support unRaid 6.7.2 (or even 6.8.0)? I'm looking forward to running Plex as a docker, but I don't really want to get too far behind on the unRaid Version.
  4. Hi guys, just wanted to let you know that I ran into the same issue. I'll try hi2hello fix tonight. Maybe a more common error? @limetech
  5. Oh okay, I probably got something wrong then, I'm not a Native Speaker . Thanks for the help tho anyway ;).
  6. Omg, I just rebooted the server 3 times because I couldn't believe that it would start without any problems, but it did. Thank you guys so much for all the help and the quick replies. @trurl Sorry if I sounded rude, I didn't know that there was a difference between . and ._ files (I didn't even know that these existed), as it says under my Nickname, I'm a Newbie.
  7. Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I only have one .key file on the flash drive (at least I think I do). The key was manually created by limetech. Yes, the '._' files are a feature of mac os, I don't think they interfere tho.
  8. Hey guys, I've been the proud owner of an unRAID Basic Key for the last couple of weeks. I've ran into the same issue a couple of times now, so I'm hoping that one of you might be able to help me. When I need to restart my server, it sometimes doesn't want to come back online, the WebUI can't be accessed (ssh works fine tho). I've tried restarting nginx threw ssh, which sadly ends up spitting out a weird error (I forgot what it was). When I updates to unRAID 6.5.0 last nigh, it asked me to restart the server and of course it didn't want to come back online. The only fix that seems to work is reinstalling unraid on the USB Drive. I checked the log before I set up the array again, and I found this weird Error: Could that be the reason for my problems? Best regards David unraid-diagnostics-20180318-0802.zip
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