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Posts posted by dark3phoenix

  1. 5 hours ago, binhex said:


    im assuming you have created a fork of delugevpn and included the required stuff in the build of the image right?, if you are using docker exec then you will of course loose everything you have done if you need to update to the latest image, as this will delete the container (unraid does this automatically).



    dns lookup is not permitted for the lan/wan, its only permitted once the tunnel is up, this is to prevent ip leakage via dns lookup, if you want to change this behaviour then your best bet is to fork my code (if you havent done so already), and modify iptables to allow dns lookup, but the risk is yours.



    1) Yes, I'm using your image as the base, then adding all the python2 modules that mp4_automator needs.  So I run my image, but it is created by using yours as the base


    2) OK, that makes total sense.  I will have to think on how best to handle this.  Maybe I can export the hosts file outside the container and dynamically populate it with my server addresses.  I don't want a security breach through DNS.


    Thank you for your quick response and or maintaining this great container!

  2. I'm trying to integrate sickbeard_mp4_validator  into this container.  I overloaded the base container image with the necessary python2 pre-requisites that it needs and it is now able to convert the downloaded files to .mp4.  The only piece that doesn't work is that the conversion script cannot contact my local sonarr and radarr containers to tell them that they have a file to import.  I can ping my local servers by IP from inside the container but I cannot resolve their names with dns nor can I curl their web pages by ip.  if I use nslookup and point it to my internal DNS server it can't reach it, and if I change the VPN DNS servers to my internal DNS Servers they fail to work as well.


    Is there a way to allow a script running local on the box to resolve and access specific servers on my local network?  It kind of feels like a firewall issue ( and possibly for good reason since there is an active tunnel open ) but I haven't been able to figure out exactly what is blocking communication.  Ultimately I just need 53 open to my DNS server and 80 open to my radarr container and my sonarr container so the script can send them a message.


    Any help would be appreciated, please point me to RTFM if that's my issue.



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