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Posts posted by Impossible

  1. On 9/5/2022 at 2:04 PM, ilarion said:


    PS: from this blog if you open there xml you can see that they use ide controller for the disk emulation.


    ilarion has the right idea. you will need to set the disk controller to IDE.


    along side this I had the following set in my template (Unraid GUI)


    Machine: i440fx-5.1

    Bios: SeaBIOS

    Primary vDisk: manual and set to the qcow2 you extracted

    Primary vDisk Bus: IDE

    Graphics Card: VNC

    Network Model: vertio-net

    I have set up a few CE installs on Unraid without too much issue. Feel free to ask additional Q's

  2. Same issue here unfortuantly - same failiure at the same point. I have used the FreeBSD / Linux and Custom templates. I have attempted with unraid 6.8.3 and 6.9.1


    5600x with a x470 mobo.


    I have tried altering the bus type of the ISO and of the guest's disk. I have used the same ISO's as you (checked the sha265) with and without NIC's. I have allocated 1 core (not CPU0) and multiple cores.


    If I remove my unraid USB stick and try the pfsense ISO burnt to a USB drive I manage to reach the setup screen.


    Your screen recordings nifty - I will have to figure out how you did that!



    After some forum searching Im going to hop from here.....



  3. I have started to use this script to output my directory structure to a text file and it seems to do what I expect.


    Could I ask for some assistance to send the contents (log files) to an email address when complete?



    I currently have the system emailing me alerts (such as preclear) and hoping to tie into that function if possible.


    Suggestions would be very welcome!





    On 12/7/2016 at 3:20 PM, ClunkClunk said:




    I started this a few months ago, but never got around to really optimizing it and rotating out old listings or compressing them. But hopefully it'll give you a starting point!



    THEDATE=`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"`
    echo " "
    echo " "
    echo "Starting tree scanning"
    while [ $COUNTER -le $DISKS ]
    echo "Scanning tree for disk$COUNTER/Movies"
    tree -h /mnt/disk$COUNTER/Movies >> "$LOCATION/$THEDATE.movies.log"
    echo "Scanning tree for disk$COUNTER/TV"
    tree -h /mnt/disk$COUNTER/TV >> "$LOCATION/$THEDATE.tv.log"
    echo "Incrementing disk counter"
    echo "Scanning tree for cache/Movies"
    tree -h /mnt/cache/Movies >> "$LOCATION/$THEDATE.movies.log"
    echo "Scanning tree for cache/TV"
    tree -h /mnt/cache/TV >> "$LOCATION/$THEDATE.tv.log"
    echo "All done scanning disks. Beginning scanning shares."
    echo "Scanning tree for user/Movies"
    tree -h /mnt/user/Movies >> "$LOCATION/$THEDATE.movies.log"
    echo "Scanning tree for user/TV"
    tree -h /mnt/user/TV >> "$LOCATION/$THEDATE.tv.log"
    echo " "
    echo " "
    echo "Complete! Logs stored in $LOCATION"




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