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Posts posted by Frank76

  1. It was working before I updated all my dockers in preparation for upgrading to 6.7, now I can't get Rocket.Chat working again.

    My MongoDB seems to be running just fine, but rocket.chat is giving an error on startup saying

    MongoError: not master and slaveOk=false

    I have found some documentation on how to allow reading from the slave, but it is per connection, and RC creates a new connection and I can't figure out how to set that variable for RC to use. I'm getting very close to just installing it on my centos VM and be done with it.




  2. 22 hours ago, Ladrek said:



    Can you post your config file for us?

    Sure... I see the problem. The echo line they said to in the link that I sent is supposed to be done from the command line, which ends up in the config file like:

      replSetName: "rs01"

    here's my full mongod.conf:

    # mongod.conf
    # for documentation of all options, see:
    #   http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/configuration-options/
    # Where and how to store data.
      dbPath: /data/db
        enabled: true
    #  engine:
    #  mmapv1:
    #  wiredTiger:
    # where to write logging data.
      destination: file
      logAppend: true
      path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
    # network interfaces
      port: 27017
    # how the process runs
      timeZoneInfo: /usr/share/zoneinfo
    ## Enterprise-Only Options:
      replSetName: "rs01"


  3. On 5/8/2019 at 2:05 PM, Janndr said:


    since last week rocket.chat server will not start.

    It says replica set required.


    any idea how to solve this?

    thank you very much



    I was able to get it working by doing the following:

    Click on the MongoDB docker icon and select console

    cp /etc/mongod.conf* /data/db/             ( I renamed it before copying, I think it was called mongod.conf-sample )

    exit the MongoDB console

    go to /mnt/user/appdata/mongodb and edit the sample conf changing the dbPath: to /data/db and the modifications to the conf file noted in https://rocket.chat/docs/installation/manual-installation/mongo-replicas/

    rename the file to mongod.conf

    modify the mongodb docker application

    Select advanced view

    Add "-f /data/db/mongod.conf" to the post arguments

    and restart the mongodb docker

    go back into the mongodb console, and run mongo and run rs.initiate()

    then modify the rocket.chat docker container adding the variable:

    MONGO_OPLOG_URL: mongodb://<SERVER>:27017/local?replSet=rs01

    restart rocket.chat and it should be working fine.

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