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Posts posted by WantACookie

  1. Hey I know this thread is pretty old, but I was having the same issues and I just solved in. If you click on the docker for Nextcloud in unRAID, click show more settings, and change the appdata location from /mnt/user/system/appdata/nextcloud to /mnt/cache/system/appdata/nextcloud it fixed my issue. Worth a try.

    • Thanks 1
  2. August 21st will mark 1 year since my purchase of a Pro license. After fiddling around with Windows Storage Spaces, ZoL, FreeNAS, and various other configurations, I finally decided to give unRAID a try. I am happy I did. Trying to get all my services to work nicely, while keeping some sort of data protection was key. unRAID just WORKS, period. I only have to login every couple days to update my Dockers and check operation. Couldn't be happier with my setup. I now spend my time on Reddit trying to talk people in my situation into giving unRAID a go.

  3. 10 hours ago, sparklyballs said:



    I think you may be able to change the port by looking at 



    and specifically the line 




    Thanks for the help. I just checked that out and it's already set to my specified port. But still shows 6881 in the port mappings. This is really driving me insane.

  4. 1 minute ago, CHBMB said:

    Yeah, sorry about that, I should have looked closer, was just heading out the door and hastily replied.  Sorry @WantACookie

    No need to apologize, I appreciate the help. I need to figure out a solution to this.


    16 hours ago, Squid said:

    It's not that there's a correct way to do it. It's all how you want to do it. Myself I don't see why you need to have separate IPs for my use case. Yours may be different if you are trying to limit bandwidth via pfsense

    Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

    It's not that I'm limiting bandwidth, I'm just using pfsense to route all traffic for a specific IP through my VPN. So the qBittorrent docker needs to be on a separate IP, but also use the port I want. Is there any way I can achieve this?

  5. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    Could be wrong (usually am), but isn't he assigning the container to a specific IP, which implies it now runs in HOST mode, and ports are unaffected?

    If you need to change the ports the app runs on, then switch the network mode back to bridge, which will allow you to change the host side.  What you've got is the app running on a separate IP address which means that it's port settings are law, and cannot be changed (ie: change the environment variables you've changed for port settings back to their default values).


    TLDR: When assigning a container to a specific IP, you cannot change the port assignments

    Oh I did not know that's how it should be done. I wanted all my Dockers on separate IPs and separate NICs so I have them all set up as custom. If I set them all to BRIDGE they will all have the same IP as the machine itself? Thanks for your help.

  6. root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='qBittorrent' --net='eth1' --ip='' -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'TCP_PORT_6881'='16830' -e 'UDP_PORT_6881'='16830' -e 'TCP_PORT_8080'='8080' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -v '/mnt/user/Media/':'/downloads':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/system/appdata/qbittorrent':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/qbittorrent' 

  7. Hey guys. I'm having an issue getting port mappings to work properly. I have my pfsense box routing all traffic through my VPN service based on IP, however my VPN only forwards a specific port for me and it's not the default 6881. If I change the port in the docker settings from 6881 to the port I need it to run on, when the docker starts, the port mappings still show 6881 as the port. Can't figure out how to change this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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