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Posts posted by shazza6887

  1. 9 minutes ago, trurl said:

    You seemed to be having connection problems on disks 2, 6. Check those and try again with another non-correcting parity check.



    Really strange, they are both connected fine and they are off different sas to sata runs. They are both on the (p1) cables though funny enough

  2. On 6/1/2023 at 1:31 AM, itimpi said:

    The automatic check after an unclean shutdown is non-correcting.  You normally only want to run correcting checks manually.

    I am just finishing up the parity check after 2 nights its at 92%, funny enough first time i have ever seen sync errors? i have (5) i don't know if this is caused by a partial parity check one night, then adding data while its been paused then continuing the parity check over the second night? The first night it got to 53% and i saw no errors.


    So now i just don't add anything else, make sure all cables are set run a grueling correcting check and then re check again? there goes 4 days i guess?

  3. 1 hour ago, trurl said:

    You don't want automatic parity checks to change parity if there is some other problem that might be causing the sync errors. After you get sync errors from a non-correcting check, you can try to determine the cause and then decide on the correct course of action for the sync errors.

    Ok i have turned off auto corrections in the scheduler, i have also enabled cumulative checks turned onto 'daily' with a 7 hour duration so hopefully over 2 nights it does the trick!


    On the main tab next to 'CHECK' under 'Stop' there is still the blue tick 'write corrections to parity' is this only enabled for a manual parity check or in the case of a dirty power off?

  4. 13 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Typically, you would let parity check run during idle hours, such as at night. Parity check will affect performance of any other access, and any other access will affect performance of parity check. My 8TB parity check is scheduled monthly, runs from midnight to 6am, and finishes on the third night. Scheduled parity checks should be non-correcting.


    Noticed early in the thread you mentioned hot swap. Hot swap with Unraid is not useful except perhaps for unassigned devices. You can't replace a drive with hot swap, because Unraid won't do anything with the new drive until you assign it, and you can't assign a drive with the array started. So best to power down to replace drives.

    I ended up giving up on the hot swap, any reason why the scheduled parity checks should be non correcting? what happens when you have sync errors if ever after a parity check?

  5. Maybe going from the 450w to the 750w was a bit overkill but went from a Bronze to a Platinum PSU haha!


    Ok so should be good with the lower watt UPS for safe shutdown only?

  6. 27 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    When you split up the parity check (either using standard functionality or the plugin) the split is done on a time basis rather than a %.  This makes sense anyway as the check speed is not constant (e.g. it slows down as inner tracks are reached).  

    The plugin allows for additional factors to be taken into account such as whether mover is running to adversely affect each others performance.

    Ahh that makes sense! So split it into rough estimates. Awesome thank you kindly Sir!

  7. 1 minute ago, Lolight said:

    I'd say get a cheap watt meter and take the actual wattage readout at the plug (full spin up).

    You haven't mentioned your system but 450W sounds like an awfully huge number.

    Mini ITX, Pentium g4650, 4gb DDR, 8 x Ironwolf Drives, Corsair 750w PSU. I would estimate the system to be around 400w max at full spin up. Once spin up probably a lot lower then that.

  8. 3 hours ago, itimpi said:

    Any parity operation will do both parity drives in parallel.   The time is likely to be the same as the parity build which with modern large drives can be quite extensive.

    You may want to install the parity Check Tuning plugin if you want more control than is given by the Unraid built-in options.

    Will the standard plugin say let me do 50% one night and the remaining 50% the following night?

  9. 3 hours ago, Lolight said:

    Yes, it is.

    But IMO Eaton still delivers better value (quality for the cost).

    Eaton > APC > Cyberpower


    P.S.  did a quick search on consumer models by Eaton.

    It's returned a surprising number of quality related issues.

    Well that sucks haha! i still think though its good value for money and the replacement batteries are also reasonably priced. Hopefully the newer models dont have as many issues?


    Its either the 510 Watt or the 750w, they both use the same battery. The second is 100 AUD more expensive, i only want it to perform a safe shutdown with a power outage so i am probably ok with the 510w?

  10. 26 minutes ago, Lolight said:

    According to that thread Eaton units get detected out of the box.

    But if it's not the case then the NUT plugin should take care of the problem.

    Is it the case that cyberpower UPS is also plug and play with the default plugin?

  11. 3 hours ago, Lolight said:

    You might also want to consider an Eaton-branded UPS which is usually a better value compared to APC.


    These are more expensive in Australia compared to ATC for whatever reason!

  12. 1 hour ago, Vr2Io said:

    In simple answer, 450w.


    But you also need look VA, UPS have both figure and usually VA importance then W, for example, if  we say power factor was 0.8, a 80w draw means 100VA.

    When i am looking for one that will work well with Unraid software IE ATC ups, am i looking for one that says 'Line Interactive'?

    or is that not important?


    2 potential models,





  13. Sorry to revive an old thread, but i am looking at various ups options, my array is calculated to draw approx 450w at full spin up, i have a 750w psu installed, should i be looking at UPS's that are greater then 450w or 750w?

  14. 27 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    OK, I looked at my drives and some did not even report Attribute 188 and others had results greater than zero.   Thinking back, 188 is a special case.  Unraid is reporting a decimal number but the actual value(s) may be a hexadecimal string.  What you have  to do is to google something like this:


        seagate  ST6000VN001 attribute 188


    In my case, Google did give this as a result:




    Hopefully, you will find something similiar.  The problem with SMART is that is not a standard but more of a guideline and the various manufacturers have implemented it differently.  (I believe that Attribute #1 has similiar issues.)  Remember that you are using this as another tool to be used to try to decide which disk to replace next.  Don't assume that that it should be your only decision making tool.


    I just re looked over it, most drives on Attribute one also have values over 0. Under 'failed' it says never. So what do you look out for? a combination of these numbers starting to rise? Or is it really the bad sector and unrecoverable sector count?

  15. 9 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:

    Actually, you want to look at the Attributes section/tab for each disk and pay particular attention to the following ones:



    You may notice that I have left off     'Attribute = 199  UDMA CRC error count'   because it is generally not a Drive issue but (generally) a cabling problem. 

    Hi Frank, i have just gone through all my disks par the old parity drive as i can see the attributes as it is sitting as an unused disk until i rebuild parity 1,


    All of these attributes across all my disks are zero except for one disk with regards to attribute '188' which has a raw value of '4295032833'


    They all have udma errors ranging from 2 to 11

  16. 1 hour ago, itimpi said:

    I would just add it (without using preclear) and let Unraid clear it when it is added.   That tends to be the fastest.


    In terms of which drive it is best to replace that is really up to you.  I would first look through the SMART reports for all drives and see if any are showing signs of potential problems such as pending or reallocated sectors.

    Ty itimpi, you guys are so helpful! Is a short smart self test sufficient or should one always run extended tests?

  17. On 5/26/2023 at 2:00 AM, Frank1940 said:

    Actually taking that long to do a preclear is good.  The first hundred hours of operation will uncloak virtually all infant morality failures. 

    Ok so i pre cleared both devices which took approx 39 hours with a perfect result! I have rebuild one drive as Parity 2 and it is now Valid.


    I am going to now assign the other 10tb drive as parity 1 and let that build... With re assigning the old parity drive as a new data drive do you still recommend doing a full pre clear? Could i just not just 'zero' the drive and add it into the array as it has been used for a long time without issue?


    Also moving forward would the first data drive i want to replace be this old Parity drive as it would have had the most use out of all the old drives?



  18. On 5/24/2023 at 12:10 PM, Frank1940 said:

    The big advantage is that ot is a Docker.  The preclear script is as old as the hills-- think 2010 time period.  Over the years the BASH script has been 'broken' repeatedly by updates to the Linux OS used by Unraid.  This can never happen to the Docker based version as the version of Linux OS that the script uses is a part of the Docker image.  


    Biggest disadvantage is that you have to use the command line in a Terminal window to preclear a disk.  In that post, I provided is a link to a PDF tutorial which will walk you through the entire set of steps to preclear any disk.  Be sure to read the FAQ also as it contains some tips to proper usage.  You can also copy and paste many of the command line switches required in the Terminal window if you to do it that way. 

    Ok so far so good, got all the gear in the new tower and array started without issue! 2 new drives popped up in unassigned devices and i am pre clearing one of the new drives now. looks like it will take nearly the whole weekend! I wussed out and just used the old pre clear plugin as i did not want to mess with any terminals etc.


    So first step, after the pre clear finishes, i stop the array and add the disk as Parity 2, then start the array and let it build it? Once that is done i guess i pre clear the next 10tb and get that ready.

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