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Posts posted by ecksodinson

  1. Okay I was able to get it working, it looks like the error was cause by the network, I had it set to host and the logs were throwing up an option to chose the network type that never got answered.  I'm guessing that is where it shifted the conf data.  The original print would be fine, but when it attempted to authenticate it tried to authenticate my password as the user.  I changed the network type to be a custom static IP, and it started working, changed it back to HOST and now the error is not replicating.  I'm not sure what caused the issue, but its working now.

  2. I updated this docker and it has been been throwing error "Failed to create noip2 configuration file /config/no-ip2.generated.conf. Exiting"   I removed the docker and recreated it purging the old directory, I also edited the noip.conf to contain my account information.  Before throwing the error it looks like its trying to read the conf but is misplacing the information, my password is showing up in user field, even though its placed properly in the conf.  It then times out waiting looking for host information.

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