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Posts posted by toastman

  1. Are you not passing through the audio portion of your 3060?


    There is also a mismatch with the CPU pinning.  Your XML shows 10 cores passed through, but the CPU Pinning screen shows 12.  You could also try an emulatorpin assignment.

    I found that using a Q35 type is snappier than a i440fx, but that might be just my setup.


    Try the MSI Fix?

  2. Windows Server has a 180-day free trial, if you haven't used that up yet


    Ubuntu server has a bit of a learning curve over Windows Server because of the lack of GUI, but I would strongly suggest that you take the time to learn it.  There are a LOT of helpful resources a google-search away, and you'd be surprised how much you learn carries over into other areas

  3. When you say "nada", what does that mean?  The VM seems to boot okay but no video output?  You get an error popup in unRAID?  The VM icon spins but drops back to stopped?


    There isn't anything obvious in the XML that I can see.  Is it your only GPU, because if not you may not need to attach a VBios.  I'd also make the GPU a multifunction, but that shouldn't prevent anything from booting.


    I can see your passing through a GPU, but not a keyboard or mouse.  Is that on purpose?


    What if you create a new VM and pass the GPU through right away?  Just to see if its a GPU, unraid, or Windows issue

  4. On 6/20/2020 at 12:30 PM, PeteAsking said:

    Not really. You have to download the new ones in the settings page for vm’s and then add them as a cd disc for the vm to see and you can update each appropriate driver. I only bother if I am experiencing a specific issue I want to resolve. 

    You can also download it straight into the VM and extract the drivers from there.  That avoids any messing around with the VM settings.


    That being said, if everything is working properly there usually isn't much reason to update the drivers.  

  5. On 4/11/2020 at 8:01 AM, theone said:

    I have the same issue.

    How do you know which USB root hubs are in use?


    Does your solution still work?

    If it doesn't let me delete it, I know its in active use.  I have a passthrough USB card, so I don't delete that otherwise I'd lose my KB/mouse.  Interestingly, I delete them rather than disable them, and some come back on a restart, but not all of them


    I'm not sure if it makes a difference anymore but its still part of my setup process:


    XML edits:

    1.  Enable HPET

    2. Enable multifunction='on' for the GPU and GPU Audio and set the bus appropriately

    3. KVM=hidden

    4. Disable the hypervisor CPU flag


    VM itself:

    1. Let windows install the GPU drivers.  I don't game much on the VM so I've never seen a need for the newest

    2. Delete unused USB root hubs.  

    3. Update all virtio drivers

    4. Ensure 'exclusive mode' is enabled for audio


    That is part of my regular setup process.  I can't tell anymore which makes the biggest difference but I had awful audio latency and CPU idle (15-25%) until I did at least the HPET and deleted the USB root hubs.  

  6. I cannot for the life of me get speeds faster than 11MB/s.  My server is on a 300Mbps (up) connection, the Windows client is on a 300Mbps (down) connection, and are located two blocks away from each other.


    I don't know if its limited to Wireguard.  I tried using FileBrowser and it was similarly limited to 11MB/s.  Makes me think something somewhere is thinking there is a 100Mbps link somewhere, but my VMs can each achieve 300Mbps speeds to speedtest.net.  


    Anyone have any ideas?

  7. When you say "horrible CPU usage" are you referring to idle usage, or problems in normal operation?


    I had idle usage of 10-15% and I had to set <timer name='hpet' present='yes'/> (you have it set to 'no') to get it to drop down to 0-1% at idle.  In a previous VM, I also had to delete unused USB root hubs in the VM device manager.


    I don't see any hyper-v settings enabled in your XML.  You need those for stimer, etc.  


    My xml for comparison


          <relaxed state='on'/>
          <vapic state='on'/>
          <spinlocks state='on' retries='8191'/>
          <vendor_id state='on' value='none'/>
      <cpu mode='host-passthrough' check='none'>
        <topology sockets='1' cores='4' threads='1'/>
      <clock offset='localtime'>
        <timer name='hypervclock' present='yes'/>
        <timer name='hpet' present='yes'/>


  8. Its possible it is that Dell stripped that option out of their BIOS...  Check to see if there is a BIOS update


    Check every entry for something that looks like VT-XVT-D, and Virtualization Technology.  They all need to be enabled.  

  9. You could recover your flash drive, but that won't necessarily solve the booting option.  Did you select the UEFI boot option in unRAID without setting that option in your BIOS, or vice versa?


    Go into your BIOS, and select your unRAID USB.  If it doesn't work in UEFI mode, try legacy mode.  Once you get it booting regularly, then you can tackle the next problem

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