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Posts posted by Lenz

  1. @testdasi ok, but even if i dont use the "root" share, i still have the file/folder permission problem when i am using my regular shares...


    also do you have further information about that samba change? and if it would be a general samba problem wouldnt that result in all people who are accessing thier unraid 6.8.0 servers from windows 10 (and i tried a rollback to 6.7.2 with the problem persisting, were i didnt had problems before at all)? because when i access my "\\server\Media" share i still have the wrong permissions. also what would be proper file/folder permissions as unraid is intended to work (nobody:users with folder 777 and files with 666?)

  2. I am just moving a lot of files between shares, so that is just faster and easier then using midnight commander in console for example...

    And this solution worked for me for about a year without any problems at all. And no as far as i understand it, its a secured share for my personal user. I followed Spaceinvader Ones tutorial for that.


    The problem itself also shows itself when i use the specific share...

  3. Hello Everyone,


    since a couple of weeks i have problems with file permissions in unraid when adding new files and folders over the network. Sadly i am out of ideas how to solve the issue, but i am guessing that files and folders get the wrong permissions from samba. I add some screenshots and the diagnostics file, if more information is required please let me know.


    When i use the "New Permissions" Tool, or do a chmod -R 777 on the share i used i can access the share or the lower folder again. Sometimes the same permissions dont seem to block access and sometimes they do...


    I hope i descriped my issue enough.


    Thx in advance.


    Unraid 6.8.0








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