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Posts posted by Killar34

  1. 2 hours ago, dlandon said:

    Time outs have been added to UD unmounts so the array doesn't hang when shutting down.  It appears that your rsync command was not finished writing to the disk so the unmount timed out.  Add the following command to your script before the unmount:

    sync -f $MOUNTPOINT

    This will flush all disk buffers before you unmount the disk.

    In your case:

    sync -f /mnt/disks/Unraid-Array-Backup/


    OK thank you. I will give that a try and let you know.

  2. I'm having issues with unmounting the drive from a user script. I haven't had any issues out of UD until after I upgraded to Unraid 6.8.1. The issue I'm having is after my backup script(rclone) finishes the drive fails to unmount with error "Error: shell_exec(/sbin/umount '/dev/sda1' 2>&1) took longer than 90s!" in the syslog. I will put a full timeline from the syslog down below. However the drive in UD shows it is still mounted but it doesn't show the correct usage... and when I try to unmount it I get even more errors in the logs. Any help would be appreciated... Side note I can remount it via command line and the drive is accessible again...

    Jan 13 07:00:01 Peter unassigned.devices: Adding disk '/dev/sda1'...
    Jan 13 07:00:01 Peter unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t xfs -o rw,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/sda1' '/mnt/disks/Unraid-Array-Backup'
    Jan 13 07:00:02 Peter kernel: XFS (sda1): Mounting V5 Filesystem
    Jan 13 07:00:02 Peter kernel: XFS (sda1): Ending clean mount
    Jan 13 07:00:03 Peter unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '/dev/sda1' on '/mnt/disks/Unraid-Array-Backup'.
    Jan 13 07:00:08 Peter sSMTP[25148]: Creating SSL connection to host
    Jan 13 07:00:08 Peter sSMTP[25148]: SSL connection using TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
    Jan 13 07:00:10 Peter sSMTP[25148]: Sent mail for STRIPPED (221 2.0.0 Bye) uid=0 username=root outbytes=753
    Jan 13 07:32:01 Peter kernel: md: sync done. time=27120sec
    Jan 13 07:32:04 Peter kernel: md: recovery thread: exit status: 0
    Jan 13 07:33:02 Peter sSMTP[26155]: Creating SSL connection to host
    Jan 13 07:33:02 Peter sSMTP[26155]: SSL connection using TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
    Jan 13 07:33:04 Peter sSMTP[26155]: Sent mail for STRIPPED (221 2.0.0 Bye) uid=0 username=root outbytes=791
    Jan 13 07:37:51 Peter sSMTP[30935]: Creating SSL connection to host
    Jan 13 07:37:51 Peter sSMTP[30935]: SSL connection using TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
    Jan 13 07:37:53 Peter sSMTP[30935]: Sent mail for STRIPPED (221 2.0.0 Bye) uid=0 username=root outbytes=1145
    Jan 13 07:37:53 Peter unassigned.devices: Unmounting disk 'WD easystore_25FB'...
    Jan 13 07:37:53 Peter unassigned.devices: Unmounting '/dev/sda1'...
    Jan 13 07:37:53 Peter unassigned.devices: Unmount cmd: /sbin/umount '/dev/sda1' 2>&1
    Jan 13 07:39:50 Peter kernel: XFS (sda1): Unmounting Filesystem
    Jan 13 07:39:50 Peter unassigned.devices: Error: shell_exec(/sbin/umount '/dev/sda1' 2>&1) took longer than 90s!
    Jan 13 07:39:50 Peter unassigned.devices: Unmount of '/dev/sda1' failed. Error message: command timed out
    Jan 13 07:39:51 Peter unassigned.devices: Since there aren't any open files, will force unmount.
    Jan 13 07:39:51 Peter unassigned.devices: Unmounting '/dev/sda1'...
    Jan 13 07:39:51 Peter unassigned.devices: Unmount cmd: /sbin/umount -fl '/dev/sda1' 2>&1
    Jan 13 07:39:51 Peter unassigned.devices: Unmount of '/dev/sda1' failed. Error message: umount: /mnt/disks/Unraid-Array-Backup: not mounted. 
    Jan 13 07:39:52 Peter unassigned.devices: Disk 'WD easystore_25FB' could not be unmounted.

    User script backup script

    /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/scripts/rc.unassigned mount /dev/sda
    sleep 5
    #check if drive mounted
    if [ -d "/mnt/disks/Unraid-Array-Backup/" ]
    /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "`hostname` to Local Easy Store Backup started" -i "normal" -d "Sync started. `date`"
    /usr/bin/rsync -avrtHh --delete /mnt/user/ /mnt/disks/Unraid-Array-Backup/ >> /mnt/user/Backups/Unraid/logs/Unraid-Array-Backup/backup.log
    /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "`hostname` to Local Easy Store Backup completed" -i "normal" -d "Sync completed. `date`" -m "`tail /mnt/user/Backups/Unraid/logs/Unraid-Array-Backup/backup.log`"
    #unmount drive
    /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/scripts/rc.unassigned umount /dev/sda
    echo "Backup failed!"
    /usr/local/emhttp/webGui/scripts/notify -s "`hostname` to Local Easy Store Backup FAILED" -i "alert" -d "Sync FAILED `date`" -m "`tail /mnt/user/Backups/Unraid/logs/Unraid-Array-Backup/backup.log`"


  3. Yeah I just plugged it in and noticed those go into that dir. It just booted up and it does have the drive mapping and does look correct and is asking for my key... Here goes nothing... Wooo! It loaded all my shares are there and looks like the data is all still there!!! My dockers even show up but they just have ? marks on them but that's no problem nothing important in them... Thank you guys so much!

  4. So I just reloaded my flash drive and copied the super.dat and my key file to the root dir and when the system booted it shows unraid is unregistered and is asking for an Install key. I put the link in for my key and registered unraid and when I click the main tab all the devices are blank still and didn't load anything from the super.dat file...

  5. Oh my God... I read that as that needs to be the location of the flash drive... 🤦🏻‍♂️ not the location the drive will be saved too... I'm stupid... I guess you live and you learn and now I know... 


    Again thank you for all your help when I get off work today I'm going to go try what you suggested and hopefully fingers crossed I can just decrypt the drives and continue on. 

  6. Well what I'm saying is CA Backup was backing up my docker app data for awhile now and there is a setting in there for you to select the directory of the flash drive for it to back it up as well. What I put in there was clearly wrong because it nuked the directory I put there... Maybe I miss read it and that's not to back it up...

  7. I wasn't trying to back it up to flash... I've had CA backing up my Docker settings for a couple of weeks now mainly because I didn't know the "location" of the flash to set it to backup from CA Backup settings. I did some looking and kinda guessed it would be /boot/config well last night after setting that I woke up to this....


    So I have all my docker settings on an external drive I had CA set to backup to but for some reason it went physico last night after I set that setting...


    So your saying I need to wipe my flash drive put the super.dat and the .key file and boot it up? Will it auto pull the drive assignment and be asking for my encryption key or what's the next steps? Want to have everything covered and clear before I attempt anything. 


    Thank you for all your help I greatly appreciate it I'm going to have to send you a cup of coffee or a case of beer for your help. 

  8. No sadly just empty folders... As far as my key I do it in my email and no I don't have the disk assignments... These are also encrypted drives. Would there be anything useful in the diagonstics log dumps?

  9. So I just recently backed up my unraid box offsite to B2 and going through the process I noticed I hadn't been backing up my flash drive via the CA Backup Tool... Well being the noob I am I figured I needed to put the dir of the flash drive as /boot/config... Well this morning I got an email saying my CA Backup started and then shortly after I got this lovely error message... " /bin/sh: line 1: 28346 Terminated /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ca.backup2/scripts/backup.php &> /dev/null 2>&1" Then I didn't get any of my other nightly emails... So I go to SSH into my box and go to run rclone and rclone says I have no config... GREAT! So I go to load up the web UI and see the theme is set back to default and I noticed my banner is now gone... So to make matters worse I rebooted the box and now I'm met with a broken web UI "Error Connection Refused" and when I tried to SSH into the SSH key has changed and my box is now labeled Tower...


    After some digging in ssh I found I now have a config folder within the config folder... "/boot/config/config/" and within that last config folder is a plugins folder listing the plugins I had installed. Picture of "ls /boot" and "ls /boot/config" https://i.imgur.com/84kJmhb.png


    Looks like after copying files off of the FD and looking through syslog.txt I found when/where everything went wrong...



    Does anyone have an idea how to get my config back or am I SOL because CA deleted everything and nothing was backed up?


    TLDR: Noob put in wrong path for flash drive backup and lost config settings and stuck with a broken web UI.

    Cross post from reddit


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