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Posts posted by Nigel

  1. Wow - this thread is a monster, and I have just gone through hours and hours of getting a simple Nvidia GT710 passed through to a Windows 10 VM.  I'm pretty experienced with building VMs with GPUs, so this came as a surprise.  I certanily won't buy another HP for using with Unraid!  In the end, here is what I recommend which got me working.

    • For clarity, I have a Proliant DL360e Gen 8 running Unraid 6.8.3
    • Before you do anything, follow the instructions from 1812 to obtain the HP Proliant build of unraid.  Seriously - don't waste time on RMRR or Operation Not Permitted (what I got).  Try the HP Proliant build first as it sorted everything out for me straight away at the Unraid level.  Doing a manual patch when you want to upgrade in the future is nothing compared to the pain if you don't use this IMHO.


    • Set your boot options in Syslinux configuration (replacing the PCI devices where necessary) : pcie_acs_override=id:10de:128b,10de:0e0f vfio_iommu_type1.allow_unsafe_interrupts=1 (possibly you don't need the ACS override - I haven't dared take it out as I have a working solution)
    • The main problem I experieced was the code 43 error in Windows.  No matter what I tried, I could not find a solution, until I read on the forums about GOPupd.  Firstly I didn't have much luck until I did the following...
      • Installed the GT710 in my Windows 10 desktop
      • Ran GPUZ to export the BIOS (my model was not available at techpowerup).
      • Used GOPupd to inject the UEFI code into the bios file (https://www.win-raid.com/t892f16-AMD-and-Nvidia-GOP-update-No-requests-DIY.html)
      • Used HxD and the instructions from SpaceInvaderOne to remove the extra lines at the top of the rom file.
      • Copied this rom file to my Unraid box.
      • Moved the GT710 back into the proliant
      • Added the GPU & the Sound Card portion into the VM using the new rom file

    Once I had this ROM file, it was all good.  I can operate the VM as much as I do in my other servers with GPU passthrough.  No restrictions or issues found yet.


    Thanks to all contributors on this forum and elsewhere, or I would have been lost.

  2. Bit of a necro here...but I was trying the same and came across this.  For the benefit of any new visitors...


    I managed to get this working.  Steps to recreate:

    1. Create a Windows 10 VM using the standard unraid VNC.
    2. Connect the display link adapter to a USB port with a display emulator dummy plug connected.
    3. Pass the USB device through to the VM.
    4. Install the display link drivers.
    5. Go to display settings and make display 2 (your display link screen) the primary.
    6. Shutdown the VM.
    7. Edit the VM in XML view to remove the Unraid VNC, which is the graphics and video tags.
    8. Save and start the VM.

    The VM now has the display link adapter as primary, and you can access to the supported resolutions given by your display emulator and display link adapter with a suitable VNC software solution (I use realvnc).  Performance is also better on RDP and VNC.  But it's not the same as installing a hardware GPU obviously!

  3. Apologies for a rather late reply - I was looking to see the support level of a Quadro K4000 on the forums and came across this.


    I use GPU passthrough on Unraid extensively using GeForce cards, and they all need a display emulator dummy plug to function.  The symptoms you describe is the missing dummy plug.  They cost a few £ on eBay and Amazon in the UK.  Just plug it in, and you should be able to see the display output.


    Edit: Further reading suggests the 4000 is too old and may still not work.  Anything Kepler onwards should be fine.  You will still need a display emulator!

  4. I have a VM on my unraid box that I wanted to temporarily move to running on either my desktop via Virtual Box, or on an ESX hypervisor.


    It might be a google fail, but I cannot find any instructions anywhere on how to do this.  The only threads I find are for importing into Unraid, not exporting out of it.


    Has anyone done this or know of a method?

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