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Posts posted by pingu3000

  1. On 10/25/2018 at 1:40 AM, trurl said:

    Cache would be full and couldn't continue to be filled up until mover moves things to the array since writes to the array are slower than writes to cache. When cache is full it can't go any faster than writing to the array. What would actually happen depends on your Minimum Free setting for cache (in Global Share Settings). If it is set larger than the largest file you will write then it will overflow to the array. If not then there is some chance that a large file will fail when cache runs out of space. 


    And of course, writing the overflow to the array will be impacted by the writes mover is trying to do at the same time, so everything is going to be even slower. 


    I really think you are expecting impossible things. Do you know about such things as seek times, for example? 


    I am still amazed how hard you try to defend the current primitive functioning of the cache drive while it could very obviously be way more refined.


    If the mover starts moving at 10% capacity left of the cache drive, i could NOT fill the cache drive faster with network uploads (to the server) and internet downloads (on the server) than it is emptying by the data being written to the array. This means the cache drive will always be used to it's (90%) maximum and the array would only be spinned up when necessary. The cache drive will never be completely full and data written to the array will only be done by the mover.


    I brought up the network speed argument before and i think since using turbowrite and a new intel network card i actually might be able to write faster to the array over lan than the 400 Mbit/s from before. That point might be mute after testing. If not, it would still be my biggest gripe.


    I understand your point about the minimum free setting, it doesn't concern me much though. i transfer files of less than 10-20% capacity of my cache disk.


    Before starting with quizzes we should understand each other, meaning you should understand my point. :P

  2. Quote

    Why do you not have the Minimum Free Space setting for the Cache drive set to a suitable value so that if space gets low new files start by-passing the cache and going directly to the array?  This means that at least things keep working all the time.   Writes that by-pass the cache will tend to be slower, but is your work pattern one where this will get noticed in practice?    If you are regularly filling up your cache then maybe you should be investing in larger cache?


    i want to maximize the usage of my cache drive and minimize the amount of times the array has to spin up. main advantages are the speed and longevity of my disk drives then there are others like noise and power consumption. usually the size of my cache drive is enough. though sometimes it happens that a large amount of data is moved to the server, in these cases i want the cache drive to be emptied once it is (almost) full. since that would mean the cache drive could be continued to be filled up while the mover is running i would have much better transfer speeds. also i do not want the cache drive to be used arbitrarily or with me having to check if it is full or not, i want it to be predictable and reliably being used all times. outside that i'd probably be fine with the mover running once a day. of course i could just buy a much larger cache drive with space i wouldn't need most of the time, but that would be a waste of resources since 80 or 90% of the time the current one is fine. 

    i am a bit surprised that i have to defend my use case here while it seems like a pretty basic and logic approach of using the cache drive. to me it even seems that my idea is the go-to implementation and like an oversight of LT to not implement that feature.

    i'd still like to know if it is doable to implement such a feature via script or else.

  3. if i could configure it as i wrote in my previous post, the mover would run with proper timing which results in running 1-2x a day.

    Now i need to run the mover on schedule every 1-3 hours and the cache disk still can be overloaded. How is that supposed to be better?

    In fact I am trying to reduce amount of times the mover has to run...

  4. what do i have to do if i want the mover to run on a schedule and when the cache size is filled to a certain percentage (not bound to a schedule, but triggered at x%)? I understand that with this plugin it is possible to do this every 1 hour, but this is not refined enough for me since it is bound to a schedule and the cache drive can easily be filled within 1 hour.


    i am pretty astonished that this is is still not included in unraid, seems like such a basic feature to prevent unnecessary startups of the array while also assuring that the cache drive is used most efficiently.

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