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  1. This is a great docker I just cant get the email to work for the life of me. I am not sure if anyone else has. Can anyone confirm so I will know if its just my config or if its just something with this docker?
  2. Ok that makes sense this is probably what was going on... spun down because the disk was beyond what the other drives were capable of the speeds are when using krusader to transfer (i thought would be more efficient then from an outside host but i was wrong. if i copy files from one server to another from a 3rd machine my speeds are much faster 78-105 Mb/s not sure why that is... my only issue now is i have to have that 3rd machine on and make sure it doesn't lose connection..... I was following some you-tube videos and that plugin also gives more options then the one under "disks" which only has auto or reconstruct write... how efficient is the auto mode? It doesn't allow me to choose how many disks to be spun up before using reconstructive write automatically.
  3. I am a long time freenas user and recently decided to build an unraid server just to check it out. I really like the many features it provides. I have already begun to tinker with it a lot of its features and started building VMs. I also enabling CPU / GPU pass through and really enjoying all the available docker / plugins! I have now started exploring more of the storage side of things. I have installed x4 8tb WD red drives (1 setup as the parity drive), x4 2tb HGST drives, and x1 Nvme 500GB cache drive. I am trying to transfer my media over from my freenas and getting about 30-65mbs over the network. Because I am not using my cache drive I assume the slower speeds I have read about reconstructive write and have downloaded "CA Auto Turbo Write Mode" plugin. My array is showing its in Turbo (Reconstruct Write) mode as I am copying over some of my media. However I see no increase in performance, furthermore my array shows 5 drives spun down while its still reporting its in Turbo mode ( I thought all drives had to be spun up for turbo mode to work???). Can anyone clear my confusion is the tool reporting turbo mode incorrectly or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
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