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Posts posted by ShaggyMan

  1. I ran into a bunch of issues getting several Unraid docker images working with my Freenas storage.


    So I just wanted to make a quick post to document all the things I ended up doing to solve this problem. Note that alot of this may be common sense or documented in various post.


    My setup:

    Freenas (FreeNAS-11.1-U6)

    • Used as main storage
    • Unraid will access certain folders/dataset via smb or nfs.

    Unraid (Version: 6.6.5)

    • Running various docker images. I was using SABnzbd and Sonarr.

    Sonarr (

    • Running on Unraid
    • Will grab download files from SABnzbd and copy it over smb/nfs to my Freenas storage that holds my media.

    SABnzbd (2.3.5 [76c7a6c])

    • Running on Unraid
    • Will download files requested by Sonarr and store it on Unraid storage

    I was also using "Unassigned Devices" plugin to allow my Docker images on Unraid to see my Freenas shares.


    1. I didn't read carefully but as the "Unassigned Devices" plugin states when you add a share make sure the Docker image has that share path to RW/slave or RO/slave.


    2. To avoid permission issues any software/docker/jail that is accessing your files should use a common uid and gid when accessing files. 

    So ultimately my issue was permission related which is 99% of the case. Based on Freenas tutorials I have typically used 816 (uid) and 1001 (gid). In various docker images typically there is a property that ask you to specify the image's uid and gid.


    3. Create a user and group account with the uid and gid in Freenas. This is important since you need to specify the user account when using NFS or SAMBA on freenas. Set a password for the user account.


    4. Pay attention to the Guest Account set by default in Freenas SMB->Setting. If you create a Samba share that allows Guest Access and you use Guest Access (don't specify a username or password) then your share will be mounted with an unexpected uid and pid.


    5. When mounting the samba share via "Unassigned Devices" its "easier" to just use the above user account you created in freenas.


    6. When doing NFS set the Mapall User and Mapall Group to the username and group you created in step 3.


    7. If your using NFS make sure the files in your share has ACL removed. To do this log into the console in Freenas and go to the folder your sharing via nfs and run "find <share folder> | setfacl -b".


    Number 7 issue was especially weird. Basically what I found out was copying files to my nfs directory would fail the first time. However, it would create a blank file in the nfs directory with the name of the folder I copied. Repeating the copy command again would end up being successful. After some Googling I found this had to do with my Freenas files having Windows permissions (ACL) so I needed to remove that flag from all my files that I want to to run off of nfs.


    Ultimately I was happy with Samba but when using Sonarr and importing all my media while trying to download missing files the Sonarr docker image and the Unraid GUI would hang. Issuing the shutdown command even failed and I was only able to do a hard reset to recover. The log showed that Unraid ended up losing access to the samba share which I think caused everything to hang. So I decided to switch to NFS to avoid this problem.


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