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Posts posted by Velodo

  1. I love how easy the initial setup was, I was up and running in no time, and adding some of the more advanced stuff later was also pretty easy.


    I would like to see an official implementation of zfs. I know it's not really going with the whole theme of Unraid, but having the option would be very nice as I find the performance on the array a little lacking from time to time (but overall still acceptable for my current needs). Bonus points if you can have multiple arrays set up with different fs structures.

  2. 2 hours ago, binhex said:

    new image got built a day or two ago.

    I just did a quick test before going to work, I can do some more once I get back, but it looks like I'm getting the same results as before. I can ping the container, but no webui and sonarr/radarr can't access it.

  3. 9 hours ago, scubieman said:

    When I had this issue the VPN was not set correctly. I believe squid has that in his post somewhere as well. Vaderspaceone also had video on VPN and web UI blank


    As far as I can tell the VPN and torrent client still work great, so I think the VPN settings are all correct.


    1 hour ago, binhex said:

    this is your problem, all of the vpn images i have created were before custom networks were available (years ago) and none of the vpn images have been tested with custom networks, unfortunately i dont have the time at the moment to investigate this, and its non trivial due to iptable rule changes which always require extensive testing, so if it doesnt work then you kinda out of luck for now.


    Having said that i have made some changes unrelated to this which MAY (or may not) allow this to work, i shall be building this as a new image once i have done further testing.

    Ah.. I was afraid you were going to say something like that. Since I have everything working great as is now I'll probably leave it alone, but once your changes are ready I'll be happy to test them out to see if it helps with this! 

  4. Hey Binhex, I've been using quite a few of your containers for a couple of years now without any trouble up until now (thank you for the awesome containers and support!) Recently I decided to set up all of my rTorrent containers to use a VPN.. I know after 2 years it's long overdue but I exclusively use private trackers so it wasn't something I really worried about too much. I just want to note that I did get them up and running, but I start running into a lot of trouble when I don't use the Bridged network type. What I really want to use is use br0: Custom so I can set different IPs for all of the containers, but when I do that for rTorrent I can't access the webUI. I did however notice that the torrents will all start and show up as seeding according to the trackers I'm seeding content on. I can also ping the container from a different computer on my network, just can't connect to the webui or with Sonarr/Radarr.


    Setting the network type to bridged allows me to connect to the webUI just fine, however, I still have issues with Sonarr and Radarr not being able to connect if they are on br0, so I have to set those to the bridged adapter as well. Before when I had the VPN option turned off on all of my rTorrent containers everything was working perfectly together on the br0 adapter. 


    I have already tried enabling iptable_mangle since you mentioned it for a similar issue in your Q&A, but it didn't seem to help. Do you have any insight as to what is going on here and how I can start using br0 with custom IPs for all of my containers again, or if it is even possible?

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