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Michael Haf

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  1. Hello all! And thank you all for your feedback. @jonathanm: Yes, I can ping in both directions. So the machines are visible to each other and as they all are on the same Host there should be no blocking of any kind. @SimonF: I will gain have a look into this option, allthough I wanted the CIFS share for this design. So, any ideas why the unRaid Samba is blocking me out?
  2. Hello all, so I created a new Ubuntu Server 20.04 VM where unRaid is the Host for this one. And I created a few shares with SMB and NFS support: This should make the share visible to all system around. There should be no firewalls around, as I have not setup anything for unRaid nor the Ubuntu VM. I seem to not get the share mount though. When testing I get: When mounting I get: it does not matter if I take a known user or not, same results. Irrelevat of the SMB version: 1.0, 1.2, 3.0 and It seem though like the VM does not reach the Share allthough on the same host system. Someone, any ideas ...
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