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Posts posted by SplitHoirzon

  1. 12 minutes ago, SplitHoirzon said:

    Im hoping you all have an answer to this.  I had to delete my Docker.img and re-install all my docker containers.  Everything is great but SWAG.  Every time it tried to get a cert it says Connection refused on all connections.  I have had SWAG and its predecessor running for years with no problems.   I have troubleshot it for 2 days and found that whatever ports I assign to the SWAG container refuse connection.  I can try it on my LAN taking the firewall out of the equation and get the same results.  I have assigned multiple ports to the container and it refuses them.  I can put the same ports on other containers and they work fine.  I have tried it on proxynet, Host, and Br0 networks and same results.   Just for some reason SWAG refuses any connection.  Im desperate for help.

    OK i had an inspiration as soon as I posted this.  I was correct as the container was refusing the connection itself.  I didnt go far enough.  When I reinstalled SWAG I used the "previous apps' section and reinstalled it with all my old settings.  For some reason when the container, the premade port inside the container that is greyed out and cannot be changed was assigned http 185:180 and https 1445:1443.  So basically I had to delete those setting and create then from scratch using the correct internal of 80:180 and 443:1443.  I have no idea why the template did this but its fixed and working.  

  2. Im hoping you all have an answer to this.  I had to delete my Docker.img and re-install all my docker containers.  Everything is great but SWAG.  Every time it tried to get a cert it says Connection refused on all connections.  I have had SWAG and its predecessor running for years with no problems.   I have troubleshot it for 2 days and found that whatever ports I assign to the SWAG container refuse connection.  I can try it on my LAN taking the firewall out of the equation and get the same results.  I have assigned multiple ports to the container and it refuses them.  I can put the same ports on other containers and they work fine.  I have tried it on proxynet, Host, and Br0 networks and same results.   Just for some reason SWAG refuses any connection.  Im desperate for help.

  3. I installed it.  Ran it for the first time. It asked me to log in.  I googled it found the admin/admin.  Tried it multiple times and it never lets me in


    s it running? yes


    Any Infos in the log file? 

    log just says

    2019/03/21 17:17:53 Using config file: /.filebrowser.json
    2019/03/21 17:17:53 Listening on [::]:80


    Did you mount the db correctly? 


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