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Posts posted by ForgottenPoundSymbol

  1. I was reading through this thread thinking it was 10 years old..but it’s rather new! I feel the pain all around but have a glimmer of hope; I’ve been running the QB Enterprise Server on Linux for years now for multi-users and it rather “stable”. 


    Now it was a pain in the ass, docu,entatikn is next to nothing, and the last 10 years Intuit’s support (including enterprise support) does not cover how to actually install and manage their software. I went as far as contacting them asking for support on version 2014 only to be told they didn’t have a Linux install... Christ their documentation doesn’t even change between versions, they just update the date and version number.


    Ok, enough complaining, on to the important bits. I’m about to roll out QB Enterpise 2019 on a Linux box and wouldn’t mind writing my own documents on it for others to use. My end goal is to containerize it and try to automate it from version to version, along with management controls for sys-admins.


    Any interest?



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