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Posts posted by MAFuentes

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm having two problems with unRAID and I don't know if they are related, because with 6.6.x I didn't have any issue. The most important is that randomly some folders get only read access and sometimes show other path files. This makes that some docker stop to work and not only have to reboot the system also have to remove sometimes the docker conf folder and reinstall the docker. I have look in the forum but I haven't find anything like this.


    The second problem is that I have low speed around 8MB/s when transferring data when downloading files. I tried with NFS and scp. When I check Network bandwith I get 80MB/s (using docker adolfintel/speedtest) and with 110MB/s with parity check and 150MB/s in disk reading benchmark (using docker jbartlett777/diskspeed).


    I used cache disk but I remove it from the server. I try to make a new USB stick with a clean unRAID copy and add the disk, loosing all the apps installed in the process and conf so I could see if this still happen and sadly still. I will try as soon as I can to downgrade to 6.6.x to see if this fix it.


    Thanks in advance for any help :)

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