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Posts posted by Drumhavoc

  1. Hello Binhex!


    Thank you for your amazing work! I especially love this qBittorrent/VPN combo, gives me such piece of mind.  

    I am having trouble where this container seems to have just stopped.  I had it behind a reverse proxy LetsEncript and it had its own DNS (not subfolder) and it worked great.  Then I had to switch things up and I made it a subfolder and it stopped working.  However, I do not think this is the problem because it would still work when trying to access it from my local network (localhost:8080) but that has since ceased to work without any obvious reason. I only get the 'Site cannot be reached' and reloading doesn't work.  I have tried to clear cookies and use different browser with no luck.  On top of this, I also use your amazing Radarr container as well as the Krusader one and neither of those will load either, not from the reverse proxy subfolder or localhost. I didn't touch any of the container settings from the time it worked to the time it stopped. Only thing that has changed was the subfolder (nothing changed for Radarr or Krusader and Krusader is not behind reverse proxy)

    Things I have tried:

    Stopping and restarting the container

    Stopping/restarting Letsencrypt

    Deleting config file

    Updating to latest

    Downgrading to 4.1.9 (last working for me)

    Checked for port conflicts and didn't find any


    Log is full of this:

    2020-04-04 22:03:49,560 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
    [warn] Response code 000 from curl != 2xx
    [warn] Exit code 7 from curl != 0
    [info] 5 retries left
    [info] Retrying in 10 secs...


    Any help you can offer I would greatly appreciate it!

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