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Posts posted by tobix

  1. Resolved, "iptable_mangle module" was not present on host....but I don't know, how it was working for like a month and then decided to stop working.....anyway great docker, love it, 11/10 :)


    For the other: I did the following:
    on Q2 I scrolled to "Q2. I can't seem to access the webui from outside my LAN, why is this?" and did the descriped steps.


    echo "# force iptable mangle module to load (required for *vpn dockers)" >> /boot/config/go
    echo "/sbin/modprobe iptable_mangle" >> /boot/config/go 
    and reboot


    Original Post:





    TL;DR: No access to SabNZBD interface when VPN dockersetting is set to "yes", but VPN works.


    I have the following problem: 2 days or so agao everything worked fine and I could easily access the Webinterface ob sabnzdb, but since today in the morning, I can't access it anymore. I've done some troubleshooting and think it has something to do with my VPN settings, because if i disable the VPN in the Docker settings in Unraid, I can access it, but when I re-enable it, no response from SabNZBD. But the weirdes thing is, when the VPN is activated and I can't reach the Webinterface, the API still works and Radarr/Sonarr etc can send NZB to SabNZBD and it will even download them. Sooooo I'm not sure where the Problem is. 

    The only thing I changed since yesterday is adding a new NIC to the system and I'm trying to get Link aggreation to work....but I don't now, if it's related, cause when the VPN settings ist set to "no", I can access the Webinterface.



    Edit: I've looked into the Debug log and found out, that SabNZBD itself is not starting.....but I think, thats a false alarm, cause the weirdes thing is, that Sonarr and Radarr still can communicate via the API with Sab.....but the webinterface is not loading


    Edit 2: Ahh, RTFM....i know....and now I've read the FAQ for VPN=yes and no GUI......the Problem is, that when I use the network br0, then everything works (the VPN also(Sab is reporting the VPN IP)), but not in brige mode....but I will dig further in it


    Edit 3: Sooo I installed OpenVPN on my personal machine and loaded the exakt same copy from the Sab Folder and the credentails.conf into the config folder of openVPN, startet the connection and connected correctly (myip.is showed the VPN IP). So I think the VPN isn't the problem. I also removed the 2nd NIC (thought this was the issue), but no GUI. I don't how to fix this problem. From one to another day it doesn't work anymore.


    Edit 4: Yeah, still the same Problem. I've found out, that the VPN is not the Problem, cause I enterd the folllowing in the console and get the VPN IP adress:

    curl https://ipinfo.io/ip

    I don't know the problem, maybe a broken IPTable? Still looking for a solution.


    LOG: unimportant!

    2019-02-09 18:41:40,798 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [info] Attempting to start SABnzbd...
    2019-02-09 18:41:42,320 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [debug] Waiting for SABnzbd process to start...
    2019-02-09 18:41:43,324 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [debug] Waiting for SABnzbd process to start...
    2019-02-09 18:41:44,327 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [debug] Waiting for SABnzbd process to start...
    2019-02-09 18:42:11,428 DEBG 'watchdog-script' stdout output:
    [warn] Wait for SABnzbd process to start aborted
    [info] Waiting for SABnzbd process to start listening on port 8080...


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