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Posts posted by thedangerine

  1. Got it working, I was just being dumb and had only set an IP for one of the nic's and not the other. Once I did that I added a route in unraid under network settings and was able to write to my array at around 270-80 megbytes a second so very pleased with that. Thanks for all the advice everyone

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  2. Right now I have 3 2tb drives and 2 3tb drives for 12tb total but I have one 3tb as a parity drive so really only 9tb and about 8.7ish after overhead and reserved space for a few things


    Edit: I do hope to expand soon, just need more drives, I would like to get a few more 3tb and then take the 2tb drives out and use that for just messing around and trying to learn stuff on another machine that way if I screw it up bad I have nothing to lose

  3. I currently have 32Gb in mine mainly because I had 4 8gb sticks sitting around unused and figured that way when I start creating more VM's I will have plenty. The hardware I am using is a bit overkill for my use case, most of it is left over from my old desktop. I currently just use unraid for my NAS and have an Ubuntu VM that I use for a lab for school since it moved online

    Edit: the memory is DDR4 3000Mhz non ECC I think it is G.skill aegis so pretty cheap but it works well and I have had no issues so far

  4. Apologies in advance if the answer is really simple I am just very new to this. I recently got 2.5Gb nics for my unraid machine and my main desktop to increase file transfer speeds. Right now they are both plugged directly into each other from nic to nic, the onboard gigabit ports of each machine go into the router. The problem is I don't know what I need to do to tell it to transfer files between each machine using the 2.5Gb nic and not to go through the router and the onboard 1Gb. Any help would be very appreciated, assume I know very little to nothing about networking

  5. I am brand new to using unraid and just set up my array, I am now looking to make it available to my other devices as a network drive. I am not sure what I have to do in order to do that, for the time being I just want it to act as a NAS but I have no idea how to set that up. Sorry if this is a really simple dumb question

  6. I'm looking to buy unraid soon and either get the basic or the plus license and need help deciding between the two. My main question is what drives count toward your total, if I have two ssd's as a cache will those count towards my total. If I got basic would I top out at 4 hdd's with 2 ssd's as a cache, or would I be able to connect up to 6 hdd's even with 2 ssd's as a cache, and if so how many drives could I have in the cache pool

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