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Posts posted by Blumpkin

  1. 6 hours ago, Randall8686 said:

    Given the hit and miss rate of this and my lack of understanding alot of this (although i have HW decoding and encoding working thanks to members on here) has anyone else thought of jumping ship to EMBY/tried it? Im debating giving it a go and see how i get on with it. im an annual user of plex and was debating the lifetime plex pass when it next comes out but the lack of HW decoding is seriously tempting me to just move to a working solution. 

    How do people find EMBY? im guessing that the app is not as common as plex on older smart TV's etc?  

    In my experience, Emby is a litter better, as it doesn't force transcoding as often. The interface isn't that nice, though.


    For example, I have a 4k 10 bit HEVC file that I want to play on my Fire TV 2. Plex forces a transcode (which sucks transcoding HDR), but emby direct plays it.


    I would hold out and wait on Jellyfin, if I were you. Open source and free fork of Emby that is getting started.

  2. On 2/27/2019 at 4:38 PM, JasonM said:

    Same here with a P4000. I'm on the Plex official Docker. I plan to try the LSIO container this weekend.

    I figured out the issue for me. I wasn't using the latest plexpass version of the docker I was in. It was giving me a server version of 1.14.x It should be 1.15.x

  3. Just now, lasewun said:

    How are your sure its not decoding? It most likely is but cant be reported in PLEX dashboard.

    Use this command and send a screenshot of it when you have a transcode going.

    nvidia-smi dmon -s u

    Yes, that's the command I used. All 0s in the decode column. Emby does it fine, though.

  4. 2 minutes ago, lasewun said:

    This can be done, go to page 12 I think it was for decoding settings. 


    mv 'Plex Transcoder'  'Plex Transcoder2'
    apt-get update && apt-get install nano
    nano 'Plex Transcoder'


    (in file

    exec /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\ Transcoder2 -hwaccel nvdec "$@"


    chmod +x 'Plex Transcoder'

    chmod +x 'Plex Transcoder2'

    I've done that, and used to the script. Both produce the same results, using the official container.

  5. 1 hour ago, JasonM said:

    Correct. Encode works great. Just no decode. CPU is doing it.

    Yup, same.


    1 hour ago, JasonM said:

    Same here with a P4000. I'm on the Plex official Docker. I plan to try the LSIO container this weekend.


    I have tried the official and binhex, to no avail. Emby seems to do it fine, though.

  6. On 2/23/2019 at 7:08 PM, Cessquill said:

    Put this together earlier.  If it's correct, it's a User Script that applies the Plex hardware decoding patch...

    echo ""
    echo "<font color='red'><b>Applying hardware decode patch...</b></font>"
    echo "<hr>"
    docker exec -i $con mv "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder" "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder2"
    docker exec -i $con /bin/sh -c 'printf "#!/bin/sh\nexec /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\ Transcoder2 -hwaccel nvdec "\""\$@"\""" > "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder";'
    docker exec -i $con chmod +x "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder"
    docker exec -i $con chmod +x "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Transcoder2"
    docker restart $con
    echo ""
    echo "<font color='red'><b>Done!</b></font>"

    Disclaimer: I know very little about bash, docker commands or what the above patch actually does.  It's just pieced together from working out how I think it's done manually and converting that into a script.


    If it can be improved (or if it's dangerously wrong), please let me know.  If it's fine, I'll put it in the User Scripts area.



    • Should be run when Plex is installed/updated
    • From the command line, run "docker ps" to see what your plex container is called.  Set that as the "con" variable in your script (mine is "plex")
    • This script is only required until Plex officially supports hardware decoding
    • It preforms the same as recommended earlier in this thread, namely...
      • Renames the file "Plex Transcoder" to "Plex Transcoder2"
      • Creates a new "Plex Transcoder" file with the suggested contents
      • Changes permissions on both "Plex Transcoder" and "Plex Transcoder2" files (not sure it's required on Transcoder2 - seemed to work for me without)
      • Restarts the Plex container (not sure if required, but doing it anyhow)
    • Probably best nothing is playing whilst the script is run
    • You'll need to have Plex running for the script to work.  Would require different code if stopped (would probably be safer to stop the container first, make the changes then start again, but here we are)
    • Run "nvidia-smi dmon -s u" from the terminal (not within Plex container) to check whether the decoding is working.  Set a video to play in a transcoded state, and the 3rd and 4th columns from the end should be non-zero

    Good luck!


    I have tried the script, and it seems to run well, but I am not getting any hardware decoding. All 0 in that column. Any other suggestions? Using a 1060.

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