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Posts posted by TomPeel

  1. 3 hours ago, itimpi said:

    Not sure of the impact on performance.   You can use the "Disable Security Mitigations" plugin to turn them off.

    Disable Security Mitigations Plugin doesn't show in the plugins and it doesent show anything in this forum... im on 6.7.0rc8 could it be it only shows after an update?


  2.  Quick Question, the Zombie patches were disabling hyper threading if im not mistaken?

    Presumably any update i do since the first patches is going to have a heavy impact on performance?

    I know there was some talk back then of disabling the patch and maybe even unraid having the option to ignore certain security upgrades did anything come of this?


  3. So, just realised the pinned link at the start of this thread is 3 years old as is Spaceinvaders video! 

    Never the less this is all still good stuff.


    I am however having issues getting it to back up a Linux vm.


    Its loading its image from a converted image for my HassIO server. 

    The log output is -

    2019-03-12 12:22 information: started attempt to backup 
    to /mnt/user/AutoBackups
    2019-03-12 12:22 warning: HassIO can not be found on the system. skipping vm.
    2019-03-12 12:22 information: finished attempt to backup 
    to /mnt/user/AutoBackups.

    This is what the config looks like... any ideas why it cant find the VM?





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