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Jeff Adams

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Posts posted by Jeff Adams

  1. I've been running Unraid for a few years now, but haven't been running scheduled parity checks because of the time it would take to complete them.  Then I found out about the tuning plugin which allows it to run for certain times of the day and then suspend the process.  This sounded great and indeed I have started using it. 


    However its not ideal.  It checks however much of the disk it can check in the time window allowed.  If it doesn't finish the whole check by the next time it is scheduled to run it starts over from the beginning so the end of the array may not be checked.  If it finishes before there may be days it doesn't check anything.  Also if the system is shut down it won't start the check again for awhile (unless I change the start date to the next day, which means it would start the check over from the start).


    I would like to propose a more robust/precise solution to incremental parity checks.  Something where I could set the parity check to run daily.  Then I could specify the number of chunks to spread the check over.  One of the chunks would be checked every day.  Could be modulus of the days since epoch.  So for example.  Lets say I wanted to check the entire array every 2 weeks.  I schedule start to daily.  Set my start time.  Set my number of chunks to 14.  There are currently 738900 days since epoch.  738900 mod 14 = 8 so chunk #8 would be checked today.  Tomorrow it would do chunk 9.


    I do realize the parity checker itself would have to be changed to be told what part of the array to check whereas the tuning plugin uses the existing one so this suggestion would be more difficult to implement.  I just like the idea of a precise equal part of the array being checked everyday and it can continue the check the next day without starting again from the beginning and not wait til the next weekly/monthly start if the computer happens to be shut down for a day.

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