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Posts posted by akeid

  1. Hi, thank you for this container. ZT looks very promising. 


    I've been able to connect to RDP using the ZT on my home pc to a remote pc. I have Apache Guacamole which is an RDP client that runs as a webserver on my unraid server running in bridged mode, however, i cannot connect via Apache Guac to ZT PC clients on the same LAN or Remote networks for some reason. Would it be correct to assume that ZT needs to be installed in the individual apache guacamole container for me to be able to connect to the ZT network? PC -> PC RDP through ZT works fine, its just when i use apache guac i begin to run into connection problems. Appreciate the help.




    After doing some testing, I managed to get this to work with some modifications. In the docker container that you wish to connect to your zerotier network, you can use the docker install script they show on their website and join the network within the container. You can also tunnel a second docker container through this zt docker container by using the extra parameters setting with "--net=container:zerotier" under advance settings. You also have to set the network option to none on the tunneled container. On a side note, apache guac will not connect to a RDP computer without a password, even though the windows RDP client can. 

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