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Posts posted by Mindsgoneawol

  1. Okay. I'm stumped...


    I can't get letsencrypt to see port 80 or 443. Ports are forwarded correctly. (just replaced router too....) Turned in Suddenlink modem and bought my own (Netgear CM700 which I have had for about a year actually and never activated and finally have). Called "tech support" 4 times now just to be told they don't block ports. Ports are blocked by their modem and if I have my own no ports are blocked. Yet both ports are closed.


    I set up a ubuntu vm with owncloud which would redirect but only listened to port 443 even though I forwarded both those ports to the vm.


    Not sure if it makes any since but even when I try to use my domain i get "Refused to connect". 

    Any Ideas where I should be looking. 


    Am I missing something?







  2. I am extremely confused. I have been reading through this trying to find the solution to my issue. Forgive me if i missed it but the more i read the more confused i get. I am trying to set the reverse proxy up but run into A) port 80 is blocked B) DNS doesn't want to work either. I followed spaceinvaderone's video on dns and it didn't work. CLoudflare just won't work for some reason. (just finished trying to delete my account there).


    I have No-Ip as my domain host. (I do have my own domain with the CNAME's for servers i am trying to get to work with letsencrypt) I made a support ticket and the tech said:

    "Historically, customers who use LetsEncrypt will ask us to add a DNS Record to the domain for the LetsEncrypt to work. You may need to see if they require this for your scenario as well. Take a look and let us know if we can answer any questions."


    I am confused as to what i need. would someone help point me in the right direction please?


    Thank you.

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