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Posts posted by tanvirh5

  1. On 3/13/2021 at 11:28 PM, DoeBoye said:

    Success! :). I finally had some time to take a good hard look at this issue, and with patience and perseverance, my VM is running again the same as it was in 6.8.3! Here's what I did, but I suspect these steps may not all be necessary.


    1. Download DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) on another pc and copy it over to a shared drive on the server. I made sure it was unzipped and ready to go, as doing anything in my VM took FOREVER.
    2. Boot your VM
    3. Set it to boot into Safe mode
      1. Hit the windows key.
      2. Type 'msconfig' (without the brackets)
      3. Select Safe boot (I added networking just in case I need network access).
    4. Reboot into safe mode and run DDU. Remove all drivers (AMD, then Intel, finally Nvidia). I may have had bits and pieces of Radeon drivers in there, as I had a Radeon card running in the VM at some point. I wanted to make sure I removed all potential issues.
    5. Download MSI Util v2 on another pc (I already had it, but the link can be found from the wiki. I noticed there's a v3 version as well, but I used the one I had already. Copy it over to a shared drive . Prep it the same as DDU. My VM is extremely slow right now.
    6. Go back to VM, go back into msconfig and set boot back to normal
    7. Reboot VM. VM should perform normally at this point (video will be stuck at 800x600 with no drivers).
    8. Grab the msi util app from the shared drive and save to desktop.
    9. Go to nvidia and grab the current drivers
    10. Install current drivers and reboot.
    11. Performance will degrade to virtually unuseable again. Right click on msi util and RUN AS ADMIN.
    12. Now. Get up, get a coffee/grab a beer/Make lunch for your kids. This part took over an hour for the app to launch and find all the devices in my system.
    13. Once it stops adding things to the list, look for anything related to audio/video. I had 2 a/v entries that did not have msi checked, and no interrupt priority set. I checked the msi box and set them to high priority. MAKE SURE TO HIT APPLY in the top right corner.
    14. Reboot and enjoy the sweet sweet speed of your Windows 10 VM

    Of course, our issues may be completely unrelated. My VM never crashed/permanently froze. But any inputs from the mouse were extremely delayed (about 10 seconds between moving the mouse and having it register). Apps also took at least 10 times as long to load. Completely unuseable.


    The funny thing is I had already run this utility when I first built the VM. It usually takes care of any stutter or audio artifacts you might find in your Win10 VM. Odd that I had to re-run it, and it had never behaved so poorly before. Usually I might just have a bit of a stutter or audio weirdness.


    Finally, as I mentioned at the start, more than likely most people could skip to just running MSI Util and checking 'msi' and setting interrupts to high priority for any a/v entries, but I thought I would provide exactly what I did in case that is not enough.


    Good Luck!


    I tried checking the MSI option and changing the interrupt priority and hitting apply but upon refresh or restart both go back to it's default selection. Any idea what's going on? 


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