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Posts posted by jaminben

  1. 1 hour ago, binhex said:

    this is the github issue related to libtorrentv2, looks like kernel 6.5 MAY be the fix, but that will be a while off before thats included in unraid:- https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent/issues/6952#issuecomment-1641991981

    That certainly sounds like my issue and from that link it also has a link to this topic where they also suggested changing the repro to libtorrentv1 so we'll see.

  2. Hi,


    I've been using binhex-qbittorrentvpn for several years and it's been absolutely great but for the past couple of Unraid releases I randomly get lockups. All other Dockers continue to work fine but I can't login to Unraid via the Web GUI and ultimately I have to run the following command to stop qBittorrent so I can login to Unraid to reboot the machine.


    docker ps | grep qBittorrentVPN
    ps -ef | grep a1bcdefghi
    sudo kill -9 123456


    I've completely removed qBittorrent and reinstalled it several times. Lockups can occur at any time, ranging from as frequent as a couple of days to as infrequent as a month, making it hard to track down the issue.


    I'm currently running Unraid Version 6.12.2 along with the latest version of qBittorrent released on Jul 6, 2023, but it seems that versions don't affect the problem.


    The only errors I can find are in the system log, and I've listed the latest two errors below.


    Does anyone have any ideas please?








  3. On 10/26/2022 at 4:05 PM, mgutt said:

    Please post your Powertop results.


    And your ASPM results (see "Debugging" section in first post).






    I've got more or less the same setup (ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. Z170-A  + Intel® Core™ i7-6700K) and I'm also struggling to get mine to use anything over C3... I also don't appear to be able to run powertop --auto-tune without the following error:



    powertop: /lib64/libncursesw.so.6: no version information available (required by powertop)
    powertop: /lib64/libtinfo.so.6: no version information available (required by powertop)
    modprobe cpufreq_stats failed
    Loaded 0 prior measurements
    RAPL device for cpu 0
    RAPL device for cpu 0
    Devfreq not enabled
    glob returned GLOB_ABORTED
    Leaving PowerTOP



    Unraid Version: 6.10.3


    Any help greatly appreciated please :)



    Powertop 1.png


    Powertop 2.png



    Power usage has gone down from around 70-100W to 40-50W on average which is good.


    Power Usage.png

  4. On 5/12/2020 at 7:52 PM, iamnypz said:

    It jus doest that i guess. Same happened to me. Change hostname in line 94 in telegraf.conf (se attached pic)image.png.75d9e51cfffa99e24562f60d9f1a2720.png

    Thanks for the reply... I tried that but my graphs no longer work. I can only get graphs to work if I use 68239e66048b hostname and that now appears to change at intervals. It's something to do with the way I have my IP addressing setup but I'm at a loss at the moment.

  5. Hello,


    I set this up yesterday using Network Type Bridge and everything worked great... today I changed Network Type to Custom Br0 so it could have a specific IP and for some reason it keeps labelling my Hostname as something like 68239e66048b rather than the Unraid name.


    2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
    2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! Tags enabled: host=68239e66048b
    2020-05-11T15:39:39Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:30s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"68239e66048b", Flush Interval:10s


    Anyone got any ideas as to why?




  6. 4 minutes ago, bastl said:

    Remove the following part in the textfile. I think you have to restart Unraid to take this changes in place.





    That's sorted it out :)



    • Like 1
  7. I found the file with the following entries:


    # Generated settings:


    Do I just remove all the [2]?

    Can I just do this via Krusader… copy it out to a share > edit it > move it back?

  8. Hi,


    I updated to version 6.7.2 from 6.* (I can't remember the version but I'm a new user so it wasn't all that old) and since doing so I can't access the 'Apps Store'. I used to have another network card attached to my device and I think it's got something to do with the default gateway being set to the old device. I've tried deleting the settings from the GUI but it doesn't want to go.


    I attached a couple of screenshots which probably explains a lot more than I can by typing.


    Anyone with any ideas?



    Network a.jpg

    Network b.jpg

  9. I think I fixed it... it does appear that when I created a folder called 'MediaFiles' using Krusader in the root of one of my other disks which is the name of my share it stopped the share from working... D'oh! And because I've been trying to fix it all day I'd changed other things which compounded the issue but hopefully once I've transferred all the data back out of that manually 'Named Folder' it'll work as normal.

  10. Hi,


    I swapped out my parity drive a couple of days ago and today I noticed all my files from one particular share have disappeared... although all other shares are fine. The share with the missing files contains lots of TV series and some movies which Plex can still see and play just fine. All the missing files in the share are still all available when viewing the individual disks and I've checked the share setting and the global share settings and everything looks ok (not that I really know what looks ok).


    When I view the share via the 'View' icon I can see 4 root folders but everything after that is missing.


    Anyone able to help?



    I think I've somehow managed to overwrite the original share (or confuse Unraid) by adding a folder with the same name as the share that's now not working to another disk (No.8 in this case). I've renamed the folder I added but the share still doesn't show anything.




  11. Hi again,


    Firstly, I'm not an expert in networking... but I know enough to be dangerous :)


    Can I in anyway have OpenVPN as a docker or VM talk to other docker services located on a different interface?


    This is what I've tried so far.... I've installed a second NIC and added it as a separate interface in the settings... I've also setup a new network on my UniFi USG with it's own gateway using it's second Lan\Wan port.


    Modem > Unifi USG > Interface 1 (Unraid server)
                      > Interface 2 (Unraid server) >\24 > (Unraid Server)
                                 > (some docker service)
                                 > (some other docker service)
                >\24 > (Unraid OpenVPN docker)

    I can connect in ok and view other devices on my local network but not anything else on the unraid server (other dockers).


    OpenVPN Image.jpg

  12. Hi, I've setup OpenVPN and I can connect externally to the webui but I can't connect to any internal docker services like Sonarr, qBittorentVPN etc... these all have a custom static internal IP address assigned and the stange thing is I can ping them ok but I just can't browse to them. I can also ping websites like Google but I can't browse to them when the VPN is connected.


    Anyone got any ideas?



    If I change the docker container network from a static IP to a bridge I can see my Unraid server but I still can't see any other docker containers which also have static IP's set.... sorry newb to Unraid and docker and already done soooo much reading that I just want it to work now.


    Edit 2:

    Do I need to add an entry into the routing table? < >


    Edit 3:

    The following link explains my issue better and basically I can't do what I want with my current setup.


  13. On ‎2‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 12:15 AM, poldim said:

    Just sharing what I've done:


    1. Inserted my Z Wave stick into my UNRAID server.
    2. Went to the main UNRAID log and found this:
      Feb 24 08:52:12 ChiRAID kernel: usb 5-1: new full-speed USB device number 4 using uhci_hcd
      Feb 24 08:52:12 ChiRAID kernel: cdc_acm 5-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
      Feb 24 08:52:12 ChiRAID kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
      Feb 24 08:52:12 ChiRAID kernel: cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters


    3.  Found that the system is referring to the stick as ttyACM0 per above.
    4.  Went into Home assistant docker settings, enabled advanced view, and made the following changes:
      Extra Parameters:	--device=/dev/ttyACM0
      Privileged:			ON
    5.  Followed instructions on setting up z-wave stick by adding the required code to the yaml file:
        usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0



    Brand new to Unraid and been scratching my head for a couple of hours trying to make a USB 433Mhz Transceiver work with Domoticz... until I found your post :)


    Works great thanks to you... I did however leave Privileged Off.


    Many Thanks

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