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Posts posted by JonnyDrive

  1. Sorry, I'm very new to grafana, is there an easy way to adjust the annual or add another storage over time that is say multiple years in length or since the docker was installed? Or would it be too much of an ask to have it added as part of the release?

  2. 44 minutes ago, Josh.5 said:

    Thanks for the quick response!
    Sounds like my idea may work, I was originally thinking of just using syncthing to sync the cache directory on each host that the lancache containers are using. Do you see any issues with that? I wouldn't be using both at the same time, it would be one or the other.


    This is more of a docker thing than an nginx thing. The beauty of docker is that you can shutdown this lancache-bundle container on unraid, create a tarball of your whole cache directory, then extract that archive on the Synology NAS wherever you are going to bind to the lancache-bundle container. If you do this, then as soon as you run the lancache-bundle container on the Synology NAS, it will see those cached files exactly the same as if it were being run on unraid. This is what docker is for, an agnostic wrapper around processes so that they run the same way in the same environment no matter where they are deployed.



  3. Awesome container mate, been working wonderfully.

    I did have a question about making a copy of the cache and if that was possible, forgive me, I'm very new to nginx.

    I have unraid doing all the things, can't really pick it up and bring it with me.

    I have a synology nas I would buy that I plan on installing your container on to bring with me to lan parties.

    Is it possible to copy or sync the cache from unraid to synology and nginx will pick it up and just work?

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