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Posts posted by kcallis

  1. I have been trying to make so go forward with traffic shaping, but to no avail. I ran across a posting on r/pfsense reddit that seem to be right on point with what I was trying to do. One of the things that I noticed is that although all of my VLANs reside on my OPT interface (re0), I never actually created an OPT interface.  So my interface assignment looked like the following:


    WAN (re1)

    LAN (re2)

    VL05_MGMT (re0.5)

    VL10_CLRNET (re0.10)



    So in following the reddit posting, I actually created an OPT interface, since the recommendation was to have just a WAN interface and a parent interface (LAN or OPT). I enable the interface, but I did not create an IPv4 address, since I did not think it was important. The next issue that I ran into was that I was suppose to under the OPT entry "folders" named after the VLAN interfaces and create queues for each VLAN. This is where I more or less lost it. I am not sure what "folders" needed to create and definitely wasn't sure about what queues. Then I am sure that somewhere at another site, I thought that download speed was suppose to the speed of the interface (1Gb) as opposed to the the download speed from the provider.


    Can anyone give me some pointers on where I should be doing? Every time I read someone take on this, it seems to add more pitfalls.


    As a side question, how long does it take so that I don't have to await a moderators approval and also having to wait for I can post a message again?

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