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Posts posted by distantworld101

  1. Unraid Version: 6.8.2

    I am only using 2 VMs to share 1 Pc for 2 people.

    i am not using any type of recycle bin plugin.


    Plugins Installed: Dynamix System Temperature And  Libvirt Hotplug USB

    Share Settings:

    Appdata - Auto Split,High-Water

    PCOneDisk -  Manual,High-Water

    PCTwoDisk - Manual,High-Water

    CachDisk - AutoSplit As Required, High-Water

    isos - Manual, High-Water

    system - Auto, High-Water



    Problem  on either PC  if i  uninstall a program or a delete a file/folder even after rebooting a pc i do not gain space back on the array or cache drive


    example if i install something it will go from 104Gb to 105Gb then if i Uninstall it even after making sure it is fully removed from pc, even after reboot of full pc not just vm but full pc it will stay at 105Gb Used.

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