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Posts posted by Tauro

  1. My Main Vdisk works fine and has a size of 120G(SSD) for Windows 10. My secondary Vdisk(700G) is on my Array. There are all my programs and my games on it. Because I wanna a save place, where I can put all the apps and move it to another VM, if it fails. Considering that Network share doesn't work as well and iSCSI isn't integraded, I choosed a second Vdisk, Now there appear things like Windows report: "corrupted Recycle Bin. can't delete it" no access to the uplay folder, it is corrupted, size 0kb.


    But if I switch to another win10 vm there are no problems but it's a seabios + i440 maschine and the boot takes 4min. I've reinstalled Windows 10 on a OVMF+i440 maschine and same problems. What is the problem? Why I have no access as admin? There was a problem like that in the past. My first try was with a vmshare and after some stuff happens and with a new vm I couldn't access the steam lib..

  2. The last three weeks I stuggled with unraid. I tested every setting that is important for me and there was several times that boot/bios screen. There are so many problems with unraid but there isn‘t really an alternative I think. So if I change something randomly in the vm setting it destroy the working vm setting/conf because it changes the bus='0x00' or slot='0x00' id and I think that it will change the boot priority or something. After I reorgenized it, ether one pci devices wasn't working but after that was fixed it worked fine. But in the past days I figured out that I only have to add a new vm and furthermore the existing vdisk.img to it and you must have the same maschine and bios! And for me it works.

  3. Maybe that could help.

    1. duplicate the vm (vdisk1.img) to another folder.

    2. create a new vm.

    3. Add the same maschine (i440fx-2.5) and bios (ovmf) with same version, then add the same Primary vDisk (the duplicaded one), before you create it, add all the other stuff, too. You have to make sure that all settings are right, then you can finish and run it. I hope this will work!

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