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Posts posted by Pinecone

  1. I am trying to setup unRAID, but I am confused with what an Array is and how I should set mine up.  My build has two 8TB HDDs installed in it and one 500GB HDD for the operating systems.  I want the setup configured so that I have the 500GB Drive partitioned into two partitions, 64GB for one OS with the two 8TB drives attached to it, and a 436GB partition for a Windows OS.  How do I configure this setup so I get my resources partitioned in such a way whereas this works as I described above?  Thanks in advance for any and all assistance you can provide.

  2. I plan on building a PC that doubles as both a NAS and a Windows machine.  I would use FreeNAS as my NAS software, which boots off of a USB key.  I also plan on installing 3 HDD's in the machine: One for Windows to boot and run on, and the other 2 for a RAID 1 in FreeNAS.  Would I be able to partition the resources with unRAID so that the Boot drive is only available to Windows while the other 2 are only available to FreeNAS?  Would it also be possible to have one of my environments boot off of a USB flash drive?  Thanks for any and all assistance I get in advance!

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