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Posts posted by carlostrudo

  1. 8 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Unraid is really a NAS OS with VM and docker hosting. It is not intended to be a general purpose linux installation. You probably shouldn't be trying to work at the linux command line until you have a better understanding of how Unraid works and how it might differ from a general purpose linux installation.

    Thanks for the reply !

    Actually I I'm playing around with this unraid instance and breaking stuff while a go for learning purpose, no important data is being hosted there :)

    I just added user-scripts plugin and seems to solve my issues for now.


    I have another "production" unraid instance that I'm much more conservative while doing any changes.


  2. Hi all,


    I am having an issue with Unraid 6.7.1, but it was also hapenning in older versions.


    I did some changes in /etc/fstab adding some unassigned devices to be mounted, primarily for backup, added some /etc/cron.daily/ scripts and some files under /root/, however everytime I reboot unraid all these changes and files are lost. In fact, all changes done on the flash partition are lost upon reboot.


    Is this an expected behaviour and how to I fix this for not losing all my changes upon reboot ?


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