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Posts posted by ct324

  1. Hi there, first of all: Thank you for this awesome container. After setting it up, nzbgetvpn works flawlessly. All my testing & research seems to indicate that, but I still wanted to ask: In binhex's VPN Docker FAQ post, he mentioned in the first post that all other connections, in case of a failing VPN, are blocked. Since your VPN Implementation is based on that, this should apply here too, right?


    VPN connects successfully, I get a different outgoing IP using 

    curl ipinfo.io

    than I get on my non-vpn-connected host system. Location etc. also incicates the VPN works. Using 

    kill <openVpnProcessId> && curl ipinfo.io

    , I get no output, so it also seems to work. I also cannot ping anything. After a minute or two, the OpenVPN process comes back up and connections to the internet work again, but only with the VPN-IP.


    I don't know how good my testing methodology is (I doubt it's that reliable), but is my assumption that his "kill-switch alternative" is implemented in here, too?