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Posts posted by Marek

  1. Greetings!

    I'd like to ask if it's possible to implement in near future that I can work exclusively off of SSD and files are backed up let's say once every hour. But if the SSD gets filled, last recently used files will be removed and new files will take it's place.
    I'm working with 3D simulations and this is one of several occasions where I can take advantage of even several RAID 0 nvme SSDs. 

    Sometimes one frame has more than 2GB which gives you almost 50GB/s of data for 24fps scene. Of course such a speed is another topic of limitations but it's just simply impossible to read from HDD's ( not only the read speed is limiting, but also Random access speed).


    I currently have 12TB of HDD (2x4TB + 1x4TB parity) and regular SSD, planing to upgrade to 2TB nvme and 40Gbps networking.

    Is there any solution to this? I really like unRAID, would be nice if I can use it not only for my personal (travel photos, movies), but also professional use.


    Thanks in advance :)


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