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Posts posted by Reallango

  1. So I'm curious if there is another solution for scanning for file changes. I will commonly be wanting to transfer files from another docker into my NextCloud. Any options for causing a scan when file changes are noticed? Or even some way to manually force a scan without having to remember a command to type into the console ever time I transfer some files over?


    Nevermind I stumbled on the solution right after posting this. I instead just setup a External Storage source direct to the folder I use to store such things. This way I just drop my files there as normal and nothing extra has to be done. Plus it makes it easy to share the content with other users on my NextCloud setup.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Reallango said:

    So I'm attempting to move from binhex-plexpass docker to the linuxserver.io plex docker. I made sure to map the media in the same place as it was on my old docker and transferred the Plex Media Server folder from the old dockers appdata folder to the new one. All seems well until I try and play something. Every video I've tried just sits there like it's loading but never actually loads. I just get the spinning circle indefinitely.


    I'm wondering if it's a permission issue of some kind but I've made sure I can access all the files from the terminal for the docker once started and everything looks fine from there. I've also tried chmod 777 to the media and config folders.


    Does anybody have an idea of what could be causing this. I don't want to wipe my database and start from scratch as I have a good number of users and would prefer to keep all my watched data.


    Edit: Also I have tried with the version variable set to Latest, Public and Docker and the issue happens on both the current public and the latest plexpass version.

    Looks like I figured it out. While it was attempting to load the video I tried clicking 10 sec back button and it threw a transcode error. So I went to the settings for the docker and pointed it at /appdata/plex/transcode/ and when it started back up my videos are playing again. So guess it was a permission issue for wherever it was trying to transcode to.

  3. So I'm attempting to move from binhex-plexpass docker to the linuxserver.io plex docker. I made sure to map the media in the same place as it was on my old docker and transferred the Plex Media Server folder from the old dockers appdata folder to the new one. All seems well until I try and play something. Every video I've tried just sits there like it's loading but never actually loads. I just get the spinning circle indefinitely.


    I'm wondering if it's a permission issue of some kind but I've made sure I can access all the files from the terminal for the docker once started and everything looks fine from there. I've also tried chmod 777 to the media and config folders.


    Does anybody have an idea of what could be causing this. I don't want to wipe my database and start from scratch as I have a good number of users and would prefer to keep all my watched data.


    Edit: Also I have tried with the version variable set to Latest, Public and Docker and the issue happens on both the current public and the latest plexpass version.

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