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Posts posted by RayD

  1. Hello,


    I've had this up and running for some time. I am trying to spin up a second, but can't seem to connect. I've changed the default ports, but can't seem to connect. On iPad OS it shows a red for ping. Screenshot attached of port allocations - "Bedrock" is the original instance, "Bedrock2" is the new one. Any help appreciated. Thanks.

    Greenshot 2023-04-28 20.01.54.png

  2. Excuse my ignorance, but I'm using one of these: 



    Should I not be using this?


    I've replaced the eSATA enclosure, but still have "error" instead of "healthy" on the 3 drives. I've erased, started a new configuration, and seem to be in the same spot - though it's all running. I've replaced the PCI eSATA card, 90 deg header, and enclosure. Only the drives themselves and the motherboard/PC are the same as when I began. With a small wiggle of the eSATA cable going into the enclosure I can make the activity lights dance, so I've ordered a replacement cable next. 


    I've attached another diagnostic zip in case I'm missing something (likely). 


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