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Posts posted by chanster

  1. I've not been able to get Wireguard to work on my setup.  I've followed all the troubleshooting steps in this thread including port forwarding, making sure the tunnel is active in the UI etc.  I used the default port of 51820.  I've tried setting the local endpoint using my WAN IP or my DuckDNS URL. I've also tried manually entering in my router address as the peer DNS server. 


    Here's what I'm seeing :


    - Wireguard app shows "connected" 

    - Wireguard app log shows handshake not completing in 5 seconds and keeps re-trying without success

    - Wireguard web UI / Unraid dashboard shows that handshake was never received

    - Tried to ping my peer tunnel address via web UI and it fails


    Not sure if these are a factor : 


    - iOS 13.3.1

    - T-Mobile 39.5.1


    In the Wireguard app screenshot below, the listen port is not 51820 and this seems to change to a different number every time I start a new session. 


    Can anyone help ?  

