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Posts posted by rebaza

  1. On 9/5/2019 at 1:03 PM, binhex said:

    although you have followed the faq you will need to restore your plex database from backup if its in a corrupt state (confirmed by looking through /config/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Server.log), also keep in mind that you may also need to roll back to unraid 6.6.x as well, as there is a bug in 6.7.x which is also causing db corruption.

    I am honestly not too sure how to if I have a backup to restore from or if it backups periodically where that backup would be stored from. Apologies, but would you be able to tell me where the backup would be stored if it was done automatically or if not how to proceed on restoring my plex database? I was unraid 6.5.2 when this happened. 

  2. Hello,


    Last night my plex docker starting acting strangely in that libraries have stopped updating and I receive the error "There was an unexpected error loading the dashboard: when launching the docker. I've restarted the docker a couple times and rebooted the server as well since then in an attempt to fix it. I have also changed the config path from /mnt/user/appdata/<container name> to /mnt/cache/appdata/<container name> per the following link and that hasn't fixed my problem either. Any help or direction would be appreciated.


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