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Posts posted by artafinde

  1. On 10/24/2022 at 3:18 PM, artafinde said:

    I'm having issues with plex hardware transcoding using quick sync (vaapi).


     Whenever I try to play in Firefox (which will force transcode) the playback doesn't start and I get an error saying:

    "Conversion failed. The transcoder exited due to an error." and I get ERRORs in the logs like:

    Oct 24, 2022 15:14:18.698 [0x14c5111ebb38] ERROR - [Req#22d/Transcode/4ys37jjtozcvkexa7d6uxf2t/e654f665-1c3c-4929-92cb-ab2b49716fa1] [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x14a076afc680] Failed to initialise VAAPI connection: -1 (unknown libva error).
    Oct 24, 2022 15:14:18.698 [0x14c517153b38] ERROR - [Req#22f/Transcode/4ys37jjtozcvkexa7d6uxf2t/e654f665-1c3c-4929-92cb-ab2b49716fa1] Device creation failed: -5.
    Oct 24, 2022 15:14:18.698 [0x14c5111ebb38] ERROR - [Req#230/Transcode/4ys37jjtozcvkexa7d6uxf2t/e654f665-1c3c-4929-92cb-ab2b49716fa1] Failed to set value 'vaapi=vaapi:/dev/dri/renderD129' for option 'init_hw_device': I/O error
    Oct 24, 2022 15:14:18.699 [0x14c517153b38] ERROR - [Req#231/Transcode/4ys37jjtozcvkexa7d6uxf2t/e654f665-1c3c-4929-92cb-ab2b49716fa1] Error parsing global options: I/O error


    Relevant information below


    CPU: Intel Core i7-6700

    GPU: The server has also a NVIDIA GPU but it's _not_ used from Plex. It's used from a different docker container.

    Unraid: 6.11.1
    Plex docker:

    Plex Transcode settings:

    Enable HDR tone mapping OFF
    Use hardware acceleration when available ON
    Use hardware-accelerated video encoding ON


    Docker command:

      Reveal hidden contents

    docker run





    -e TZ="Europe/London"

    -e HOST_OS="Unraid"

    -e HOST_HOSTNAME="reducted"


    -e 'VERSION'='latest'


    -e 'PLEX_CLAIM'='reducted'

    -e 'PUID'='99'

    -e 'PGID'='100'

    -e 'TCP_PORT_32400'='32400'

    -e 'TCP_PORT_3005'='3005'

    -e 'TCP_PORT_8324'='8324'

    -e 'TCP_PORT_32469'='32469'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_1900'='1900'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_32410'='32410'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_32412'='32412'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_32413'='32413'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_32414'='32414'

    -e '100'='100'

    -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman

    -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:32400]/web'

    -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/plex-icon.png'

    -v '/mnt/user/media/':'/media':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/media/Movies/':'/movies':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/media/TV Shows/':'/tv':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/media/Music/':'/music':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/volatile/transcode/':'/transcode':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/appdata/plex':'/config':'rw'

    --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri 'linuxserver/plex'

    Appreciate any input / assistance in debugging this.

    For completeness I found a solution. The issue lies with the fact that my server has both an iGPU and a discreet GPU (nvidia). The discreet GPU has a dummy hdmi plug to be used by VMs. When plex starts it detects both and chooses to use the one with the HDMI dummy plug instead of the iGPU.


    The solution to this is to stop the container, edit the Preferences.xml to add `HardwareDevicePath="/dev/dri/renderD128"` and start the container again.


    For reference /dev/dri/renderD128 is the iGPU and /dev/dri/renderD129 is my Nvidia GPU (at least on my server). Now h/w transcoding works fine again.

  2. I'm having issues with plex hardware transcoding using quick sync (vaapi).


     Whenever I try to play in Firefox (which will force transcode) the playback doesn't start and I get an error saying:

    "Conversion failed. The transcoder exited due to an error." and I get ERRORs in the logs like:

    Oct 24, 2022 15:14:18.698 [0x14c5111ebb38] ERROR - [Req#22d/Transcode/4ys37jjtozcvkexa7d6uxf2t/e654f665-1c3c-4929-92cb-ab2b49716fa1] [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x14a076afc680] Failed to initialise VAAPI connection: -1 (unknown libva error).
    Oct 24, 2022 15:14:18.698 [0x14c517153b38] ERROR - [Req#22f/Transcode/4ys37jjtozcvkexa7d6uxf2t/e654f665-1c3c-4929-92cb-ab2b49716fa1] Device creation failed: -5.
    Oct 24, 2022 15:14:18.698 [0x14c5111ebb38] ERROR - [Req#230/Transcode/4ys37jjtozcvkexa7d6uxf2t/e654f665-1c3c-4929-92cb-ab2b49716fa1] Failed to set value 'vaapi=vaapi:/dev/dri/renderD129' for option 'init_hw_device': I/O error
    Oct 24, 2022 15:14:18.699 [0x14c517153b38] ERROR - [Req#231/Transcode/4ys37jjtozcvkexa7d6uxf2t/e654f665-1c3c-4929-92cb-ab2b49716fa1] Error parsing global options: I/O error


    Relevant information below


    CPU: Intel Core i7-6700

    GPU: The server has also a NVIDIA GPU but it's _not_ used from Plex. It's used from a different docker container.

    Unraid: 6.11.1
    Plex docker:

    Plex Transcode settings:

    Enable HDR tone mapping OFF
    Use hardware acceleration when available ON
    Use hardware-accelerated video encoding ON


    Docker command:


    docker run





    -e TZ="Europe/London"

    -e HOST_OS="Unraid"

    -e HOST_HOSTNAME="reducted"


    -e 'VERSION'='latest'


    -e 'PLEX_CLAIM'='reducted'

    -e 'PUID'='99'

    -e 'PGID'='100'

    -e 'TCP_PORT_32400'='32400'

    -e 'TCP_PORT_3005'='3005'

    -e 'TCP_PORT_8324'='8324'

    -e 'TCP_PORT_32469'='32469'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_1900'='1900'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_32410'='32410'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_32412'='32412'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_32413'='32413'

    -e 'UDP_PORT_32414'='32414'

    -e '100'='100'

    -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman

    -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:32400]/web'

    -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/plex-icon.png'

    -v '/mnt/user/media/':'/media':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/media/Movies/':'/movies':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/media/TV Shows/':'/tv':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/media/Music/':'/music':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/volatile/transcode/':'/transcode':'rw'

    -v '/mnt/user/appdata/plex':'/config':'rw'

    --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri 'linuxserver/plex'

    Appreciate any input / assistance in debugging this.

  3. Hi,


    Got an issue with my Unraid which is weird. I think the problems started with 6.11.1 update but let me explain. I noticed I had I/O errors on cache drive, sometimes the SSD controller just reset (found this on the dmesg log) and blocked all access. I thought it was the drive itself so I got another one to replace it.

    After installing the new one the array started and went into offline mode (since the old cache drive was missing). When clicking on the Cache pool the page keeps refreshing and can't check the drive itself. Other drives properties (Smart attributes etc) works OK.


    The Main page says Array stopped, stale configuration, then refreshes to Array undefined.


    When I try to get Diagnostics I get to the page and while processing sometime it shows a page for nginx 404.


    Is there a way to get Diagnostics from CLI? - ssh works fine (so far) - Nevermind found the command `diagnostics`


    I tried reboot without plugins and got the same success. The Array starts OK and I could add the cache pool but whenever I try to view the cache Settings (https://<unraid.host>/Main/Settings/Device?name=cache) It goes into an infinite loop.


  4. On 5/3/2021 at 4:28 PM, primeval_god said:

    They are not meant to be required, I believe that this plugin just hasn't been updated to account for swap file support in BTRFS.

    Last I checked which was 2-3 months ago I noticed the same, no support for swap file on BTRFS. As a workaround I've made a User Script to perform the commands from Archlinux wiki (some conditionally) during Array startup.

  5. I'm experiencing an issue with quassel-web. The login screen works and when I input username/password and click on login the screen shows "Connecting" and stuck there for ever.

    Docker logs show:

    [cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 30-config: executing...
    [cont-init.d] QUASSEL_CORE set, injecting env variables into settings.js
    [cont-init.d] setting file permissions this may take some time ...
    [cont-init.d] 30-config: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: executing...
    [custom-init] no custom files found exiting...
    [cont-init.d] 99-custom-files: exited 0.
    [cont-init.d] done.
    [services.d] starting services
    [services.d] done.
    SETTINGS: Using /app/quassel-web/settings-env.js
    quassel-webserver listening for http connections on port 64080
    GET / 304 942.431 ms - -
    GET /stylesheets/fonts.css 304 2.378 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/jquery.min.js 304 0.636 ms - -
    GET /stylesheets/mobile.css 304 2.549 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/angular.min.js 304 17.267 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/angular-aria.min.js 304 17.413 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js 304 17.470 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/bootstrap-tokenfield.min.js 304 1.383 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/scrollglue.js 304 1.728 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/favico-0.3.10.min.js 304 1.981 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/ng-quassel.js 304 0.538 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/angular-sanitize.js 304 3.276 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/angular-dnd.min.js 304 3.382 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/angular-notify.min.js 304 3.534 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/libquassel.js 304 3.728 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/angular-init.js 304 3.618 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/angular-directive.js 304 17.089 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/angular-filter.js 304 17.092 ms - -
    GET /javascripts/angular-controller.js 304 0.863 ms - -
    GET /stylesheets/theme-default.css 200 994.758 ms - 98261
    GET /images/quassel-logo.png 200 14.240 ms - 511
    GET /settings 304 1.165 ms - -


    I'm using Firefox and the Quassel-code is _not_ running in unraid (it's an a VPS)

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