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Posts posted by GairyS

  1. Thanks itimpi and JorgeB. Back up and running with no issues using the new config steps. Also no issues with the cache pool after the new config.

    And thank you JorgeB for letting me know about the firmware version and the steps you provided. It worked perfectly and I couldn't believe I bought those cards that long ago. After the firmware and bios were updated on the LSI card, I went ahead and rebooted and the drives came back still using the "short" format.

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  2. I've been running 6.9.2 since initial release on this same hardware, so no changes before upgrade today. I'm running on an HPE DL380Gen9 with current BIOS and SPP and all parity and data drives on my LSI HBA card (LSI SAS3008), while both cache SSDs are on the Smart Array P440ar running in HBA mode. All drives (Parity, data, and cache) after the update are now identified with the "short" names, whereas before the upgrade they were all using the "long" names.

      - v6.9.2 -  Parity 1 - HGST_HUH721212AL_5PJ85ZNE_35000cca291dfe875 - 12.0 TB

      - v9.10.0 - Parity 1 - HGST_HUH721212AL600_5PJ85ZNE - 12.0 TB

    I had this happen before when I replaced my older PERC H310 card that was flashed, just the other way around.


    I know I'm going to have to run a "clean" config now, which will kick off a parity sync, but what happens with BTRFS since both SSDs are showing as wrong? Will unRAID right itself once the pool comes back online, or will I have to restore cache from a backup? Screenshot and diag file attached.




  3. On 12/2/2019 at 12:43 PM, limetech said:

    Anyway eventually might get this working.  Our issue is that we have a single SAS hard drive and that one appears to not work correctly, meaning constant timeouts, etc.  Not much appetite to go purchase a bunch of SAS gear either.

    I currently have 2 unRAID Plus licenses and an interest in seeing this happen. If limetech would be willing to offer a trade for a single license upgrade to pro for one of my servers, I'd be willing to send 4 x 4TB WD WD4001FYYG SAS drives (https://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Datacenter-Capacity-WD4001FYYG/dp/B00C3WPL0M) to them to replace the single one they are using. These drives are between 4-5 years old, but are still running strong. I'll preclear the drives and run SMART tests again them and send the best 4 from the lot. I'm in the process of decommissioning 9 of these drives in favor of 6 x 6TB SAS drives for my main server.

  4. On 12/2/2019 at 12:43 PM, limetech said:

    Anyway eventually might get this working.  Our issue is that we have a single SAS hard drive and that one appears to not work correctly, meaning constant timeouts, etc.  Not much appetite to go purchase a bunch of SAS gear either.

    ....if someone were so inclined, perhaps an upgrade license from Plus to Pro could result in a few 4TB SAS drives arriving for testing....

  5. On 12/2/2019 at 3:42 PM, doron said:

    Would you consider adding, on top of the above (not attempting to spin them down), an upcall hook - in the spirit of the EVENT scripts calls - for all spindown/spinup actions? This would allow those of us who are knee deep in this (and paying the electricity bills...) to script this up (currently this is Hard™ - as the action takes place in the kernel code). I will definitely take a stab - others might too. Once this is (hopefully) brushed up, you can consider adopting it into the core product. Does this make sense?

    I am also hunting this fix down, and would be happy to test. I run unRAID on 2 Dell R515 with LSI cards and SAS disks (4TB). I'm in the process of moving one of my servers to an HPE DL380 G9 with an LSI card to a Supermicro 24 disk JBOD w/ IPMI. I'd love to be able to spin my disks down when not in use.


    I have SAS in my environment because we have a blanket policy that no disks live in our environment after 3 years, which leaves me with a lot of older spares. I normally do a 7 pass write before adding them to unRAID and running preclear, so they are thoroughly tested before I use them, and they're free so I can't pass that up...

    • Like 1
  6. On 4/9/2019 at 2:41 AM, trurl said:

    No doubt the user read other threads here, but I think most would agree they have mischaracterized our community here in this thread.

    Sorry to resurrect a dead post, but I felt the need to express my opinion in regards to "anyone with any knowledge" not liking unRAID, and how this post grossly misrepresents "knowledgeable" opinions.


    I am a IT professional, working in both the commercial and education space with over 15 years experience. My career has taken me down the path of networking (mostly Cisco), virtualization (VMware), storage, load balancing and security (F5), and multi-site DR, with my storage experience including NetApp, ZFS, FreeNAS (previous user), and many other manufacturers, with literally millions of dollars of intellectual property that I have been responsible for. I have a very extensive lab setup at the house and for years I ran my home environment mixed with my lab, and took the same precautions at home as I did at work. I'm not saying this as a brag by any means, simply using it to establish a background for my comment below.


    Now speaking with this experience, at the end of the day I want something I can trust, and not set myself up for a second career path maintaining my home environment. I have tried a few homespun solutions and a few "supported" solutions. At the end of the day I chose to purchase 2 unRAID licenses because I like the file level striping I can do and the replicating to another box (using disk to disk rsync scripts). I chose unRAID because I set it and I forget it. I chose unRAID because I have a simple platform that has reliable reporting and features I can show my wife how to use, and trust her to do them well in my absence (if something should ever happen to me, my customers, my wife in this instance, should always be able to get their data back). And although some of the posts are aged, the content is still applicable to most cases. And unlike an unnamed engineer from FreeNAS who seems to be the most unprofessional forum user, I have yet to read a post from someone at unRAID that has not been helpful and made a user feel as though unRAID was "not the right system for them".


    And at the end of the day, if you do good work you should get paid for it. unRAID offers a good product as a very reasonable price. And at the end of the day when something breaks, I can pick up a phone like all of my other equipment, and say "please help me fix it". Try that with other free options.....

    • Like 2
  7. Dockerman from unRAID is a great option for the users who need a "simple" solution and a GUI to accomplish "basic" docker tasks. I see a lot of people asking for a docker-compose GUI, and a few people mentioning docker-compose can be installed using nerd pack. The way I see it, after working in IT for over 15 years now, is there are a number of solutions available to resolve this. It really just boils down to comfort level.


    If you use an IDE like VSCodium, you can connect via SSH to run you commands and edit your docker-compose.yml file directly in the IDE. If you like git, you can integrate that into your IDE project. If you want to get "fancy", set up Code-Server in dockerman and set /mnt/user/appdata/docker-compose/ as a persistant volume, and edit your compose file directly in the web editor.


    A reasonable answer for a docker-compose GUI could also be to use dockerman to install Portainer, then use Portainer to deploy your stacks. Portainer stacks are compatible with docker-compose version 2. As of today, docker-compose in unRAID nerdpack is running version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01 and docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea838 on unRAID 6.8.0. So, if you need features from v2 you can use Portainer, but if you need v3 you will have to use another solution.


    Using version 2 will allow you to use extends, which will allow you to call several docker-compose files from another file, so you can make it function closely to Portainer stacks. But I think extends were dropped in v3, but there are other work arounds that can be used.


    Hope this helps a few people.




  8. My apologizes if this has already been addressed but I've searched a few different ways and didn't find a previous topic.


    I'm running version 6.7.2 and about a week ago I received my weekly email about plugins needing to be updated. When I logged in, the Plugins | Installed Plugins tab showed all of my plugins, but they all had a status of "unknown". I finally got some spare time today to reboot the server and when it came back up I still had the issue. I added a screenshot below. Has anyone seen this before? I'm not sure if this is something on my end, or if it's an actual bug, but it's been a few weeks since I did the upgrade to 6.7.2 and this is the first issue I've had so far.


    Thanks in advance for the help.




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