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Posts posted by Physicsking

  1. I am following Spaceinvader One's new 2019 guide to installing OpenVPN (How to setup an OpenVPN-as Server on Unraid -- new 2019 guide). In the beginning (~2:40) he makes a comment that you should have your Unraid Server set as a static IP address. I started doing this on the Settings->Network settings, but was a little confused. I am still learning things and this is what i was thinking


    IPv4 Address assignment: Automatic -> Static

    IPv4 address: (grey) -> XXX.XXX.X.machine / 24 (where XXX.XXX.X refers to the LAN static address I set on my router)

    IPv4 default gateway: (grey) -> xxx.xxx.x.x (router IP I set, non-common)

    IPv4 DNS server (grey) -> ????? I don't know what to put here


    Anyway, I was looking for tutorials for setting this but didn't come across anything that hit on it exactly. I found a few responses that said not to set Unraid to static IP but assign it an IP in your router via the mac address of the machine. I wasn't able to find this either in my router interface (DLink-655). 


    My end goal is to be at my sister's house away from my LAN and drop in on my server to watch movies on my laptop. That video from Spaceinvader One is pretty good for setting up everything after this point because I followed it doing everything on my MacBook but got 2 errors.


    "This computers apparent public IP address was not different after connecting to the client. It is still ###.###.#.# (ISP provided).




    "DNS Server address XXX.XXX.X.X is not a public address and is not being routed through the VPN." 


    Any ideas where I went wrong? 



  2. I have only been using the Unraid for about 1 month and things were going well. I am slowly moving all my data to the server, but in the past week or two there have been a few instances of when my server shuts down by itself. I will need to verify that "wake up on ethernet" option is set on the Mobo to 'yes' because I was also unable to wake it up by navigating to the /tower from my main computer. I have attached the log file for reference. 


    Basically, when left over night I have move and trimmer scheduled (not sure if this contributes to the problem) but in the morning the power is off and the power light is blinking. 


    Please let me know if you need anything else.

    syslog (1)

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